Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Modern-Day Robinson Crusoe has Been Living 20 Years on Desert Island! Find out WhyModern-Day Robinson Crusoe has Been Living 20 Years on Desert Island! Find out Why
27 June
The story of 73-year-old former millionaire David Glasheen is quite fascinating, to say the least. The man has been living on a deserted island for 20 years now - just like Robinson Crusoe.
Famous People who Say They Have Seen UFOsFamous People who Say They Have Seen UFOs
27 June
As it turns out, a number of famous individuals have said that they'd seen UFOs, and even extraterrestrials. Take a look below at a few such cases and the exciting stories they have to share.
Find out your Lucky Color Based on your Date of BirthFind out your Lucky Color Based on your Date of Birth
23 June
Depending on your date of birth, there are certain colors which will bring you good luck and those which you're better off avoiding, especially on days in which you plan on doing something important.
Worm Grows 2 Heads After a Journey to SpaceWorm Grows 2 Heads After a Journey to Space
20 June
A worm has grown 2 new heads after a short trip and stay in space, report the scientists who witnessed this phenomenon.
The Greatest Warrior Women, who Crushed EmpiresThe Greatest Warrior Women, who Crushed Empires
09 June
When we think of great generals throughout history, we tend to always think of men. This is due to a great extent to the low status of women in past centuries, which prevented them from playing a significant role in society.
Afraid of Infinity? You`re an ApeirophobeAfraid of Infinity? You`re an Apeirophobe
09 June
Look out the window, far into the distance, and ask yourself whether this makes you feel any fear. If the idea of infinity, in any form, scares you, you're suffering from apeirophobia.
What the Gemstones Corresponding to our Month of Birth RevealWhat the Gemstones Corresponding to our Month of Birth Reveal
06 June
Individuals whose stone is garnet are usually considered to be exceptionally outgoing. You can count on them and they tend to be very caring. This is because they are logical and analytical, sympathetic and with a pronounced motherly instinct.
NASA to Steal Ancient Metal from SpaceNASA to Steal Ancient Metal from Space
30 May
NASA definitely knows how to shock and awe. The latest notion of the space-exploring organization is to steal an asteroid. The reason? The asteroid's iron content, estimated at $10 quadrillion.
Pray you Never See the Mothman - the Harbinger of Death!Pray you Never See the Mothman - the Harbinger of Death!
30 May
The Mothman, also known as the Winged Man, belongs to an unidentified biological species with humanoid features, 6. 6 ft tall, grey or black in color, with hypnotic red eyes and a wingspan of over 9. 8 ft.
Execution by Lingchi - the Most Agonizing Death Penalty of all TimeExecution by Lingchi - the Most Agonizing Death Penalty of all Time
26 May
Just over 2 centuries ago, it was common to see public executions where the goal was usually to kill the condemned as quickly as possible, in stark contrast to execution by lingchi. Lingchi was the most excruciating way for a person to meet their end.
Artist Claims he has Fathered Dozens of Hybrids with an ExtraterrestrialArtist Claims he has Fathered Dozens of Hybrids with an Extraterrestrial
23 May
The American man shares that the alien, named Crescent, was also the one whom he lost his virginity to at the age of 17. He shares the full story in a book and film titled Love and Saucers .
The Universe is Showing you the Right Way - Listen to it!The Universe is Showing you the Right Way - Listen to it!
19 May
The Universe keeps a close eye on the life path of each of us. When we veer off course, the supreme energy sends us signs that something's not right.
Spiritual Awakening - the 4 Signs to Recognize itSpiritual Awakening - the 4 Signs to Recognize it
19 May
Man isn't born on this world just to feel well-fed. He is a complex creature, who needs to work on his self-improvement and spiritual growth throughout his entire life.