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Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Unbelievable Technologies Inspired by AnimalsUnbelievable Technologies Inspired by Animals
25 Jan.
Undoubtedly, the greatest creator in the world is mother nature. The extraordinary forms she has created, whether they be living or not, continue to surpass the abilities of even the most ingenious inventors among humans.
The Technique for Hearing the Voice of your Heart, Not your ReasoningThe Technique for Hearing the Voice of your Heart, Not your Reasoning
23 Jan.
When making important decisions, many folks prefer to listen to the voice of their heart and intuition, but this is difficult because the instinct of reason is, in most cases, the louder one.
Can you Solve the 5 Most Convoluted Murder Cases?Can you Solve the 5 Most Convoluted Murder Cases?
20 Jan.
A number of murders have shocked the world and transformed into a media sensation, while the mystery around them deepens, as even today we don't know with certainty who the culprit was.
Unexpected Facts about RainUnexpected Facts about Rain
19 Jan.
The game of darts was invented thanks to rain. Many years ago, it started to rain during an archery competition. The contestants fled to the local tavern and continued their tournament by throwing short arrows at a target on the wall.
The Next End of the World is in OctoberThe Next End of the World is in October
18 Jan.
October - this is the month when the end of the world is supposed to happen. At least according to a new conspiracy theory.
Scientists Reveal How the Earth will Look in 250 Million YearsScientists Reveal How the Earth will Look in 250 Million Years
18 Jan.
A new supercontinent, Amasia, is going to form on Earth over the course of the next 250 million years, researchers predict.
Sumatran Amber - the Largest in the WorldSumatran Amber - the Largest in the World
17 Jan.
Amber has always been among the spectacular natural formations that humans have admired. Its warm colors spark admiration, while the things it has trapped and brought to us to the present from the distant past spur curiosity.
What Awaits us in the Starry Skies in 2017What Awaits us in the Starry Skies in 2017
16 Jan.
The year 2017 is going to be quite interesting from an astronomical standpoint. The biggest of the upcoming events will be the total solar eclipse on August 21.
The Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another GalaxyThe Milky Way Stole Some of its Stars from Another Galaxy
16 Jan.
An intriguing fact that has been discovered in the past decade is that at least half of the 11 most distant stars in our galaxy are far from the spiral disk of our Milky Way.
Here`s What Will Bring you Luck in the Year of the Fire RoosterHere`s What Will Bring you Luck in the Year of the Fire Rooster
13 Jan.
According to Chinese mythology, the Year of the Fire Rooster starts on January 28 and in order to have luck on our side, according to the beliefs, we're going to have to make some changes around us.
The Year of the Sun: 2017The Year of the Sun: 2017
13 Jan.
According to the astrological calendar, 2017 falls under the patronage of the Sun, which is going to bring us a number of big changes and unexpected transformations, shedding more light on our goals and problems.
Mind-Boggling Future Predictions That Came TrueMind-Boggling Future Predictions That Came True
12 Jan.
In his novel The Year 4338, Russian writer Vladimir Odoyevsky described today's social media with striking accuracy. The book was published in 1835.
Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115Over 5000 Languages to Disappear by the Year 2115
12 Jan.
A group of American scientists claims that by about the year 2115, more than 5000 languages will be extinct. They've estimated that by then, of the approximately 6000 languages spoken on Earth, more than 5000 will have disappeared.