All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
Although the human brain has a vast capacity for storing information, some of our memories are discarded when we sleep, say researchers from Cambridge University after a new study.
Have you ever been traveling but no matter how tired you were at the end of the day you stood wide awake all night just because you were somewhere new? According to researchers this is a common occurrence and there is a specific reason for it.
According to the study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, spending 5 min. before bed writing down your tasks for the next day could be all you need to fall asleep faster.
Thick blankets have an effect similar to a cocoon and a parent's hug, which may improve your sleep quality and relieve anxiety disorders, shows a new study from MIT.
Perhaps it is the water signs that have prophetic dreams more frequently than any of the others. The prophetic dreams they have vary. Pisces need to be careful if they dream of children or gambling.
If you see a white rose in your dream, someone's going to make you a nice surprise. The same flower may symbolize the sincere and pure feelings someone has toward you.
A dream in which you see a graveyard is considered a sign of forthcoming prosperity. Something that you've been striving for will finally be within your grasp.
The wolf symbolizes freedom and independence, while a pack of wolves has, since ancient times, been considered the embodiment of devotion to the family.
A magical occurrence in a dream foretells that you'll be reviving old relationships. Here we could be talking about a romantic relationship but also one related to friendship or business.
If you frequently find yourself experiencing the same nightmare, this is an indication that you have a problem that you stubbornly refuse to deal with, while it becomes ever more complicated.
If you dream that you're taking someone's life, expect happy moments to come. You're likely to take advantage of a good opportunity and receive new acquisitions.
Erotic dreams can be quite pleasant, passionate and realistic, especially when the object of our fantasies and feelings is in them. They can at times be scandalous and frightening though.
Nightmares are the clearest sign that there's something in your life that's bothering you and according to the latest research, there are several main types of dreams that indicate that you're not feeling well.