

Looking for information on Numbers? Check out our latest articles on Numbers.
The power of numbersThe power of numbers
Numerology is based on numbers from 1 to 9. All numbers above 9 may be reduced to single digits through addition. To determine which number is yours, just make a sum of the date, month and year of your birth....
Numbers in your dreamsNumbers in your dreams
Similar figures may occur in the form of numbers, codes, dates or even the number of lottery tickets, which are winning combinations....
The world relies on numbersThe world relies on numbers
Then a number of time known as the number of Neper - 2.718281828. The number of light is constant and the fine structure is equal to 1/137.0369990....
Your Personal Gua NumberYour Personal Gua Number
A personal Gua number is a number, which according to Feng Shui, shows what type of energy the person has. It can be said that the Gua number allows us to recognize favorable and unfavorable paths....
Numerology: Personal Number 9Numerology: Personal Number 9
If you want to find out your personal number according to numerology, add up all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number - this is your personal number....
Numerology: Personal Number 8Numerology: Personal Number 8
Anyone can find out their personal number, according to numerology, by adding all of the digits of the date, month and year of their birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number....
Numerology: Personal Number 7Numerology: Personal Number 7
This is your personal number. People with a personal number 7 have a rich fantasy and well-developed intuition that helps them deal with the difficult situations....
Numerology: Personal Number 6Numerology: Personal Number 6
Your personal number can be determined by adding up all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number....
Numerology: Personal Number 5Numerology: Personal Number 5
Keep adding until you get a single digit number - this is your personal number. 5 provides people with a constant desire for freedom, the need for adrenaline, love of adventures and everything unusual....
Numerology: Personal Number 4Numerology: Personal Number 4
A person with a personal number 4 has few friends but they are for life. You can always depend on a person with a personal number 4....
Numerology: Personal Number 3Numerology: Personal Number 3
According to numerology, in order to find out your personal number, you must add all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number....
Numerology: Personal Number 2Numerology: Personal Number 2
To find out your personal number according to numerology, you must add all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number....
Numerology: Personal Number 1Numerology: Personal Number 1
According to numerology, in order to find out your personal number, you must add all of the digits of the date, month and year of your birth. Keep adding until you get a single digit number....