»True Stories

True Short Stories

True short stories from the users of True stories of ghosts, love, the paranormal and success. You will find spooky, paranormal and horror short stories. You too can share your story or dream with us and get advice or the interpration of your dreams.
Crazy DreamCrazy Dream
11 Dec.
Pregnancy DreamPregnancy Dream
26 Aug.
Home Alone DreamHome Alone Dream
05 Aug.
Weird Scary DreamWeird Scary DreamSo this one made almost scream when i woke up. So in the dream i was sleeping in the same bed i was when i was dreaming, so first off there was a pink moldy mystiuqe and jeff the killer i was scared to death then these h...
She is kidnappedShe is kidnappedThis is my wife dream where she is kidnapped and put into the sex trade but the customer kid not have sex with her but tried to help her to escape but she got caught again. ...
My wife vomitingMy wife vomitingIn my dream my wife and I are in bed kissing and she is getting turned on, when all of a sudden she feels like vomiting. I am next to her thinking as a joke that she is pregnant she tries to hold it back, a bit of vomit ...
Strangest dream ever, needs analysisStrangest dream ever, needs analysishey guys I will give you some background information in case it might help. Im a 17 year old guy from Holland, I'm trying to be a great musician and aspire to be very known by the world, but this needs a lot of dedicat...
The EngagementThe EngagementThe dream started at a beach. We were having fun then my mom and my dad called me. Then emerged this very handsome man and my parents told me that I am going to marry him. I recognized this man as my childhood friend(tho...
Decode this wierd dream I had pleaseDecode this wierd dream I had pleaseHere it is: My mother in law was taking me to school(college), I am wearing the same outfit I went to bed in. She drops me off at a school that I clearly know is not mine. I call her using the security officers phone, a...
Please help me interpret my dreamPlease help me interpret my dreamI am almost 8 months pregnant and I lost my 15 month old daughter almost a year ago. My dream started out that I was in the same catholic church where we had her viewing and the funeral home was viewing her again. I was ...
Cellophane suffocationCellophane suffocationI had a dream that I wasn't in. The protagonist was a middle aged man going through a bout of depression. He was checking his mail and discovered that a friend had sent him a list of different food items he should cook u...
I dreamed a decapitated headI dreamed a decapitated headyesterday, i dreamed about me and a girl(this girl looked exactly like Lee Ji Eun, korean singer) went to mcdonald to buy foods. After we bought the food, the moment when we step out from the restaurant, i saw a black pl...
Dream of a ghost boyDream of a ghost boyThis evening I had a very vivid dream. I was back at my childhood home, visiting. In real life it is torn down. I saw my mother in the kitchen. She is passed away now. Then I walked down the street and saw a toddler ...
Leaky FaucetLeaky FaucetThis is my first dream about water in a long time. I had a dream that I had turned on the water to wash my hands, but when I turned it off the water still kept pouring as if the faucet was still on. The sink was fillin...