»True Stories»Life Stories»Demons: Sociopathic Behavior: Darren Ambler

Demons: Sociopathic Behavior: Darren Ambler

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Demons: Sociopathic Behavior: Darren Ambler
I went through an absolutely horrific relationship with Darren Ambler. I thought from day one he was odd. Very fearful and not much personality. I was quick to find out that he wanted sex from me only- like an obsession. I found out later Darren is an sex addict. He slept with other women while with me. He is mentally sick and its almost like he enjoys being referred to as a player- or playboy:

Sociopaths are dangerous manipulative liars and Darren is no different. He works at keeping his sick and immoral life a secret- even-though people do know about him. He will never admit he did anything wrong. To all the ladies out there= stay away from any questionable character. Darren is ill and plain mean. He is a liar and pervert that will never change.

He frequents dating websites in search of his next sexual conquest. He is easy to spot- Homely- short skinny thick glasses and he is terrible in bed. His whole life is screwing- lying- screwing and lying some more. He has a sick fettish with screwing older women. Darren is about 40 he enjoys sex with 78 year olds. Very ill and perverted human being.

I am still recovering from what he did to me. Don't fall victim to this sick non-entity.


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One day this Jerk will self-destruct. What a loser. He must really hate himself to live this way. I am sure this freak has been troubled all of his life. He will die young of possibly a heart attack- an STD or he will turn to drugs to cope.
15.01.2017 08:31
Arlene S.
Arlene S.
He sounds like a really mentally screwed up person. It is unlikely he will ever change. He sounds too far gone in the head. All you can do is stay away from people like this. Any interaction with people like this Darin only leads to trouble and turmoil. I am sure the only women that will sleep with him are desperate and lack moral fiber. Only a person with deep rooted mental problems would become involved with someone like him. Be glad you are rid of him and move on life. Leave the losers behind you!
17.11.2016 18:01
I understand totally how you feel....It's a blessing that your relationship was short lived..I can tell you one thing. A Sociopath will never admit to any wrong doing- They will say everyone is out to get them. That is what makes a Sociopath unique- they never take responsibility for anything. I will say having sex with a women in het 60's and this is under 4o? I think this guy is sicker than most.. He should be put behind bars for this conduct. If I found out my Grandmother was sleeping with a 39 year old pervert. My family & I would throw him out of the house. File elder abuse charges against the pervert. He will end up in a mess of trouble one day..
12.11.2016 03:59
This guy sounds like a real dirt bag. Don't worry he will get it all back one day. God will punish him, no one escapes God not even a Sociopath/ That is frightening to know people like him are wondering around out there possibly planning and seeking out his next sexual victim.
11.11.2016 13:57