Demons: Sociopathic Behavior: Darren Ambler
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I went through an absolutely horrific relationship with Darren Ambler. I thought from day one he was odd. Very fearful and not much personality. I was quick to find out that he wanted sex from me only- like an obsession. I found out later Darren is an sex addict. He slept with other women while with me. He is mentally sick and its almost like he enjoys being referred to as a player- or playboy:
Sociopaths are dangerous manipulative liars and Darren is no different. He works at keeping his sick and immoral life a secret- even-though people do know about him. He will never admit he did anything wrong. To all the ladies out there= stay away from any questionable character. Darren is ill and plain mean. He is a liar and pervert that will never change.
He frequents dating websites in search of his next sexual conquest. He is easy to spot- Homely- short skinny thick glasses and he is terrible in bed. His whole life is screwing- lying- screwing and lying some more. He has a sick fettish with screwing older women. Darren is about 40 he enjoys sex with 78 year olds. Very ill and perverted human being.
I am still recovering from what he did to me. Don't fall victim to this sick non-entity.
Sociopaths are dangerous manipulative liars and Darren is no different. He works at keeping his sick and immoral life a secret- even-though people do know about him. He will never admit he did anything wrong. To all the ladies out there= stay away from any questionable character. Darren is ill and plain mean. He is a liar and pervert that will never change.
He frequents dating websites in search of his next sexual conquest. He is easy to spot- Homely- short skinny thick glasses and he is terrible in bed. His whole life is screwing- lying- screwing and lying some more. He has a sick fettish with screwing older women. Darren is about 40 he enjoys sex with 78 year olds. Very ill and perverted human being.
I am still recovering from what he did to me. Don't fall victim to this sick non-entity.
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