Please help me interpret my dream
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I am almost 8 months pregnant and I lost my 15 month old daughter almost a year ago. My dream started out that I was in the same catholic church where we had her viewing and the funeral home was viewing her again. I was standing infront of her open casket talking to my older daughter telling her it was fine to say good bye to her baby sissy again and if she wanted to touch her she could only touch her hands since she was ran over on her head. So my 4 year old daughter touched her hand and my deceased daughter flintched.
I didnt think anything of it at first and told my 4 year old to touch her again and she did and while touching her she had told her she loved and missed her and my deceased daughter yawned and moved her arms. So then I go to hold her hand and when I grab it she starts waking up and turns her head twards me and looks at me and stays laying there smiling, holding my hand, and trying to wake up after being burried for almost a year.
Well I nudge the lady that was viewing my daughter and told her she wasnt dead anymore and she turns and looks at my daughter and was astaunished that she was alive and was speechless. My 15 month old daughter then arises in her casket and sits up and grabbs my arms so I can pick her up and is smiling and calling out momma. I go to pick her up and see my pregnant belly and lay her in my arms over my belly and start kissing her all over her face and tell her how much i have missed her and loved her.
The pastor was giving mass and seen something was going on all the way in the back of the church where we were and stopped what he was doin and started walking down the isle towards us. I then turn around and face him with my 15month old daughter in my arms and he starts singing haulelulla and amen! ! Then he says to me the lord must really love you to bring back your baby from the dead and and touches her head. Yhe priest and the lady that was viewing her then check her head and see that it was healed and say "Its a miracle her skull if healed and isnt cracked anymore! ! Its like if nothing ever happened! "
I start kissing her all over her gace again and shes happy to see my and is holding me tight saying "momma, momma! " And telling me she had missed me. I then turn around and call me 4 year old to come with us so we can leave and start walking towards the doors. Before we get to the doors the priest yells out "I only ask of 1 thing! Please dont post anything yet about your daughter because they are going to try and take her away from you! " I tell him of and start walking out the door.
As im walking out the door my soul detatches from my body and I see myself walking out with my daughter very happy but when I see myself im not pregnant anymore. After I see myself walk out I woke up from my dream. What is the meaning of this? ? This is not the only dream I have had of someone telling me that they are going to take my baby from me and my deceased daughter was also in that dream but was reincarnated and I drempt that in the beginning of my pregnancy.
I didnt think anything of it at first and told my 4 year old to touch her again and she did and while touching her she had told her she loved and missed her and my deceased daughter yawned and moved her arms. So then I go to hold her hand and when I grab it she starts waking up and turns her head twards me and looks at me and stays laying there smiling, holding my hand, and trying to wake up after being burried for almost a year.
Well I nudge the lady that was viewing my daughter and told her she wasnt dead anymore and she turns and looks at my daughter and was astaunished that she was alive and was speechless. My 15 month old daughter then arises in her casket and sits up and grabbs my arms so I can pick her up and is smiling and calling out momma. I go to pick her up and see my pregnant belly and lay her in my arms over my belly and start kissing her all over her face and tell her how much i have missed her and loved her.
The pastor was giving mass and seen something was going on all the way in the back of the church where we were and stopped what he was doin and started walking down the isle towards us. I then turn around and face him with my 15month old daughter in my arms and he starts singing haulelulla and amen! ! Then he says to me the lord must really love you to bring back your baby from the dead and and touches her head. Yhe priest and the lady that was viewing her then check her head and see that it was healed and say "Its a miracle her skull if healed and isnt cracked anymore! ! Its like if nothing ever happened! "
I start kissing her all over her gace again and shes happy to see my and is holding me tight saying "momma, momma! " And telling me she had missed me. I then turn around and call me 4 year old to come with us so we can leave and start walking towards the doors. Before we get to the doors the priest yells out "I only ask of 1 thing! Please dont post anything yet about your daughter because they are going to try and take her away from you! " I tell him of and start walking out the door.
As im walking out the door my soul detatches from my body and I see myself walking out with my daughter very happy but when I see myself im not pregnant anymore. After I see myself walk out I woke up from my dream. What is the meaning of this? ? This is not the only dream I have had of someone telling me that they are going to take my baby from me and my deceased daughter was also in that dream but was reincarnated and I drempt that in the beginning of my pregnancy.
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Bottom line..... you felt some sort of guilt about what had happened to her, regardless if you could or couldn't have done anything to prevent the incident. You need comforting confirmation that you having this baby will replace/or not replace your love to her or what you had given her while she was still living.
Be at peace and may the light be with your deceased daughter.