I can't forget him
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Hi everyone!
I'm a 14 year old girl. Last summer vacation at the beach I met a very beautiful boy. We liked each other from the very start. We started going out etc. We were together for 1 week and it was wonderful. I know I'm still little but it's the first time I ever met such a wonderful boy. The worst part is we live in different cities. After summer vacation ended, we kept messaging each other, calling each other but I still missed him a lot.
There finally came the day when we broke up since we live far away from each other and can't see each other. We stopped messaging but I never stopped thinking about him every single day. I was hoping he would text me, after all we both experienced such a beautiful thing for the first time. After 5 months he messaged me and I was soooo happy. A lot of time has passed since then and I still love him and can't forget him. My question is what should I do, what should I ask him?
Any ideas?
I'm a 14 year old girl. Last summer vacation at the beach I met a very beautiful boy. We liked each other from the very start. We started going out etc. We were together for 1 week and it was wonderful. I know I'm still little but it's the first time I ever met such a wonderful boy. The worst part is we live in different cities. After summer vacation ended, we kept messaging each other, calling each other but I still missed him a lot.
There finally came the day when we broke up since we live far away from each other and can't see each other. We stopped messaging but I never stopped thinking about him every single day. I was hoping he would text me, after all we both experienced such a beautiful thing for the first time. After 5 months he messaged me and I was soooo happy. A lot of time has passed since then and I still love him and can't forget him. My question is what should I do, what should I ask him?
Any ideas?
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