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The Dark Side of the Sign of TaurusThe Dark Side of the Sign of Taurus
08 June
As an earth sign, the need for material security is ingrained in the character of every Taurus. But when the dark side of his nature prevails, he becomes greedy. Money, food and possessions are never enough. He becomes...
The Dark Side of the Sign of SagittariusThe Dark Side of the Sign of Sagittarius
01 Dec.
Every zodiac sign has positive and negative sides to its character and although we'd all prefer to be linked primarily to the positive, instead of the negative characteristics, we can't deny that we possess both. The...
The Dark Side of the Sign of VirgoThe Dark Side of the Sign of Virgo
28 Nov.
Every zodiac sign has positive and negative sides to its character and although we'd all prefer to be linked primarily to the positive, instead of the negative characteristics, we can't deny that we possess both. The...
The Dark Side of the Sign of AriesThe Dark Side of the Sign of Aries
01 Sept.
Even though we all love being associated with the phrase "good person", the fact is that each of us has positive and negative sides to our character, constantly bouncing between the 2. You can determine what your dark side...
Dark Rites of the SummeriansDark Rites of the Summerians
18 Mar.
Magic was the foundation of life in Sumer. The Sumerians worshiped the four cardinal directions and four elements. The main attribute of a magical ritual was cross with a holy idol on it. Each Sumerian magic ritual will...
Effects of the Different Phases of the MoonEffects of the Different Phases of the Moon
18 Dec.
It's a fact that there are certain things influencing human behavior and emotions that are inexplicable. Or at least not everyone understands them. The horoscope, ascendant, moon phases... these are all things comprising...
Find out the Dark Side of your Nature with This TestFind out the Dark Side of your Nature with This Test
05 June
Our subconscious is a repository of mysteries that house the character traits that our parents and friends disapprove of. We're ashamed of these traits, which is why we've sent them to our subconscious. And since...
Origins of the Moon RevealedOrigins of the Moon Revealed
10 June
Samples brought from the Apollo missions contain evidence that the Moon formed after a planet the size of Mars collided with Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, announced the world news agencies. Thanks to a new research...
The influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 11-20 lunar dayThe influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 11-20 lunar day
30 Nov.
The eleventh lunar day is one of the most powerful energy days of the lunar month. It brings good luck, but you should carefully consider before making a final decision concerning business. On this day, do not kill insects...
The influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 1-10 lunar dayThe influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 1-10 lunar day
30 Nov.
The phases of the moon affect people, so it's good to know which of the lunar day will be most useful for certain events. The first lunar day - the day of the new moon, is detrimental to group work . The first day of the...
The influence of the phases of the moon on people - lunar days 21 to 30The influence of the phases of the moon on people - lunar days 21 to 30
07 Oct.
The twenty first lunar day is successful for progress both in work and love. A perfect day to start a new job and have a wedding. Possible problems with the spine must be seen to. The stone that will protect you is zircon...
The Unfamiliar and Terrible Side of Christopher ColumbusThe Unfamiliar and Terrible Side of Christopher Columbus
06 July
The personal diaries of explorer Christopher Columbus reveal a criminal hiding behind the legendary figure, who, if he were alive today, would be awaiting the death penalty. The most widespread myth about Christopher...
What is Our Dark Side?What is Our Dark Side?
28 May
In analytical psychology, there is a term called a Shadow, with which experts define the dark side to every single person. According to psychologists, self-defining statements such as, "I am a hard worker, " or "I am a...
Think of a Wish During the New MoonThink of a Wish During the New Moon
25 Aug.
The new moon begins today at 5:13 PM. On this day, everything you wish for will come true. The new moon occurs on a different date each month. It is the beginning of the lunar cycle. It is this day that is thought to...
The Mysterious Light Photographed Near the MoonThe Mysterious Light Photographed Near the Moon
13 Nov.
Mysterious blue-green glimmers were photographed near the moon by NASA during the Apollo 15 mission. In the upper left corner of the photograph, we see an unusual phenomenon, which experts cannot give a logical explanation...
Origins of the Image of Snow White by Santa Claus`s SideOrigins of the Image of Snow White by Santa Claus`s Side
19 Dec.
Snow White and Santa Claus are a classic duo that bring joy to young and old alike with presents around the holidays. Although the origins of the image of Santa Claus are familiar to most, few know how Snow White came...
The Myth of the Punishment of TantalusThe Myth of the Punishment of Tantalus
05 Apr.
Ancient Greek Mythology is a rich source of phrases that today have their own meaning in modern spoken language. One of these with a specific meaning is the punishment of Tantalus. What was this punishment and what wrongs...
The Legend of the Kingdom of HadesThe Legend of the Kingdom of Hades
01 Mar.
Greek mythology and ancient Greece have sparked interest for ages. This interest won't stop, since the myths and legends continue to entice young and old alike. One of the most curious personas in Greek mythology...
The Story of the Tower of BabelThe Story of the Tower of Babel
24 Apr.
The story of the Tower of Babel is told in the 1st book of the Bible - the Book of Genesis. It explains the origins of the different languages and people in the world. According to it, after the Great Flood decimated the...
The History of the HunsThe History of the Huns
22 Nov.
The Hun tribes are part of the history of the world and more precisely of that of Europe. They appeared on the continent in the 2nd century and in the 5th established their state, led by their great ruler Attila. Considered...
The Language of the AngelsThe Language of the Angels
30 Mar.
The angelic alphabet can also often be seen under the name "Enochian alphabet". It was written and popularized by John Dee and Edward Kelley at the end of the 16th century. The 2 men who were famously known as seers claimed...
The Legend of the DreamcatcherThe Legend of the Dreamcatcher
05 Nov.
A dreamcatcher or dream snare is a handmade Native American amulet, made from a willow hoop with a woven net of cords, giving the appearance of a web. A feather of a night bird is placed in the center, usually one from an...
The Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass IncidentThe Mystery of the Deaths of the Dyatlov Pass Incident
27 July
From the USSR's secret archives, there is a well-known event which led to the mysterious deaths of 9 skiers on the night of February 2, 1959. The incident is documented as the Dyatlov Pass Incident. The horrendous event...
The Full Moon Steals Up to 50 Minutes of SleepThe Full Moon Steals Up to 50 Minutes of Sleep
12 July
The full moon phase, which begins on the 12th of July this month, is a cause for people sleeping between 25 and 50 minutes less. This was revealed in a Swedish study, quoted in the Daily Mail. The study was carried out...
The Moon Steals a Little of Earth's Atmosphere Every DayThe Moon Steals a Little of Earth's Atmosphere Every Day
02 Feb.
New data collected form scientists at Osaka University show that Earth's natural satellite steals bits of its atmosphere every day. The study was published in Science News journal. The discovery was made after analysis...