On November 6th, at 22:23 minutes UTC, the full moon fell into the zodiac sign of Taurus. The day will be highly emotional and nudge us toward issues related to material things.
The full moon increases sensitivity and gives us plenty of reasons to be happy... but also to worry. And since the full moon phase is in Taurus, the reasons for excitement will be of a material nature.
The majority of people will have their attention drawn to money and new acquisitions. Today, shopping will be a source of pleasure as long as we keep our instincts to own everything under control.
The full moon will further our desires to own as many objects as possible but we must differentiate our flimsy wishes from our realistic needs of possessions.

Today's moon phase is the perfect opportunity for analyzing our needs of possessions. Think carefully about what material objects you want to buy and whether you actually need them.
The subject of money resources and financing will also preoccupy our minds on this day.
Determine to what extent your available balance can cover your needs and whether you have need of additional financing. The full moon today predisposes us to look for additional sources of income.
The full moon is also linked to clarifying factors which have so far been hidden from us. The events on this day will give us a clear picture of the actual status of our income, property and possessions.

Even the problems and conflicts that arise today will guide us toward that which we truly have need of. The different obstacles will help us clarify our positions.
In some cases we will have to make compromises and back down, while in other cases - to fight.
Today we will need to make difficult but bold decisions regarding the material aspects of our life. The full moon will charge us with plenty of energy to finish the tasks we've begun.
Music and every kind of creative activity will have a calming effect on us and will stabilize our emotional state. We will look for the beauty and coziness in everything around us.