Mysterious blue-green glimmers were photographed near the moon by NASA during the Apollo 15 mission.
In the upper left corner of the photograph, we see an unusual phenomenon, which experts cannot give a logical explanation for.
Similar mysterious lights were noticed by the crews of Apollo 11, Apollo 12 and Apollo 13.
Recently an astronaut from the Apollo 17 crew announced that he saw a bright flash appear from the north side of the crater Grimaldi B during an orbit around Earth's natural satellite.
The following day, his colleague Evans also reported seeing unusual flashes of light during one of the orbits around the moon with the orbital module of Apollo 17.
Not long ago, NASA sent a Lunar probe, with one of its goals being to find out about the nature of the mysterious lights, seen on the horizon before the sun's rise in the period of 1969 - 1972 by various American astronauts.
The probe will study the lunar dust in the thin atmosphere Of our Moon, which rises from the surface and is then reflected by sunrays.
A few years ago, the astronomers Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov published a book called "The Moon - Our Spaceship".

In this work, the hypothesis is that the moon is a construct, that is hollow on the inside, created by a highly developed civilization.
Astronomers have noticed that the moon's orbit is nearly perfectly circular, unlike the rest of the cosmic objects in our solar system.
Contributors from NASA believe it proven that the moon is circular a hollow object.
62 miles (100 km) under the surface of our satellite, ferromagnetic fields, 621 miles (1000 km) in length have been discovered.
According to experts, these can be nothing else but giant support structures made of steel.
All who have ever landed on the moon have found large amounts of glassy masses.
The last mission of Apollo 17 brought back to Earth an orange glassy material from the Short crater. It strikingly resembles the glassy material used in atomic testing.