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Geminids and Beliefs about MeteorsGeminids and Beliefs about Meteors
22 Oct.
They travel at a speed of about 22 mi (35 km) per second and ignite. When seen from Earth, they look like shooting stars that are on fire - something truly beautiful and mystical....
Most popular superstitionsMost popular superstitions
26 June
This superstition is rooted in myths about the good spirits that live in trees....
Native American Superstitions about MeteorsNative American Superstitions about Meteors
23 Oct.
Among the peoples who had their own theories about meteorites were the Native Americans....
What are the Beliefs and Omens about Seeing a Meteor Shower?What are the Beliefs and Omens about Seeing a Meteor Shower?
21 Oct.
A meteor shower or shooting stars are actually a large number of meteors that cross Earth's orbit and burn up when they enter the upper layers of the atmosphere....
Folk Beliefs about Salt and SugarFolk Beliefs about Salt and Sugar
17 Oct.
This is the oldest folk belief about salt, since in ages past, only the richest owned salt and whenever they spilt it in the home, great turmoil would ensue....
Superstitions about babies, animals and loveSuperstitions about babies, animals and love
10 Jan.
There are many folk beliefs and superstitions related to babies, love, money and animals....
Beliefs and Real Stories About Comets and AsteroidsBeliefs and Real Stories About Comets and Asteroids
08 Oct.
Chinese data reports 10 deaths that had occurred during a meteor shower in 1994....
Beliefs about SpidersBeliefs about Spiders
30 June
Our beliefs have melded with our everyday lives and surround us at any given moment. It is fascinating however, when looking at them separately. Such as beliefs about spiders, for example....
Superstitions about CuckoosSuperstitions about Cuckoos
20 Apr.
It is assumed that it was at the end of the Middle Ages, when the world already believed in all kinds of superstitions, that the superstition about the cuckoo, which heralds death, appeared....
Superstitions about RingsSuperstitions about Rings
06 Nov.
There exist tons of superstitions about how by wearing a ring you can attract success and protect yourself from danger....
Superstitions About MoneySuperstitions About Money
30 Sept.
Not everyone believes in them, but one of the most widespread superstitions in the world of money is that when you receive money, it needs to stay in your home overnight before you begin to spend it....
German Superstitions about Good Luck and WealthGerman Superstitions about Good Luck and Wealth
23 Feb.
Near 1/4 of all Germans practice various superstitions for attracting good luck and wealth, reveals a study from the Allensbach Institute....
What are the Superstitions about Comets and Asteroids?What are the Superstitions about Comets and Asteroids?
21 Oct.
The eeriest superstition has to do with Halley's Comet, the belief being that England was taken over by William the Conqueror in the distant past because of it....
Beliefs about Broken ObjectsBeliefs about Broken Objects
27 Jan.
Broken objects always bring bad luck - this unifies all beliefs pertaining to usable items that have been broken. One of the oldest beliefs goes that if you break a mirror you will have 7 years of bad luck....
Superstitions about praying mantisesSuperstitions about praying mantises
07 Dec.
According to Italian superstition, if you get sick, this is caused by the fact that a mantis looked at you wrong. According to residents of Sardinia, to kill Mantis is a great misfortune....
Beliefs and catsBeliefs and cats
22 Nov.
"According to Japanese belief if greeting a cat when sneezing, a whole year after they would not have problems with teeth....
Most popular sleep disturbancesMost popular sleep disturbances
18 July
This condition is similar to sleepwalking, as you walk about ten minutes, then go to bed, sleep and the next day not remember anything....
Beliefs about Wearing a CrossBeliefs about Wearing a Cross
22 Oct.
When it comes to beliefs about the cross, the main restriction is not to wear anyone else's cross, since by putting it on we take on the sins of the person to whom the relic belongs....
The Strangest Beliefs about HalloweenThe Strangest Beliefs about Halloween
31 Oct.
- Every self-respecting fortune teller or clairvoyant will tell you that the most accurate predictions about the future are made on Halloween....
Superstitions about Friday the 13thSuperstitions about Friday the 13th
13 Dec.
Psychologists have found that people who see themselves as unfortunate are highly likely to believe in superstitions related to bad luck....
Everything you Don't Know about Asian SuperstitionsEverything you Don't Know about Asian Superstitions
27 Mar.
Here we will familiarize you with the main superstitions that dominate the East. 1....
Edgar Cayce, Reincarnation, Beliefs and ReadingsEdgar Cayce, Reincarnation, Beliefs and Readings
05 Aug.
Self hypnosis was also a popular recommendation....
The Most Curious Facts about AnimalsThe Most Curious Facts about Animals
20 June
The longest pregnancy is in the African elephant - about 2 years....
The Most Famous Guidebooks about DeathThe Most Famous Guidebooks about Death
21 Nov.
One can read about the extreme details therein, starting from what the deceased should carry with them to the beyond and getting into how to prepare for the transition while still alive....
Most Fascinating Facts about the EarthMost Fascinating Facts about the Earth
23 Apr.
This means that life has only been around for 5-10% of Earth's history; - The most spoken language on the planet is Chinese, used by about 1 billion people....