»Choosen Collections»Superstition About Pyramids
Superstitions About Money
Since ancient times people have believed in various superstitions related to money....
Superstitions about Cuckoos
It is assumed that it was at the end of the Middle Ages, when the world already believed in all kinds of superstitions, that the superstition about...
Superstitions about Rings
There exist tons of superstitions about how by wearing a ring you can attract success and protect yourself from danger....
Superstitions about praying mantises
According to Italian superstition, if you get sick, this is caused by the fact that a mantis looked at you wrong....
Superstitions about Friday the 13th
Psychologists have found that people who see themselves as unfortunate are highly likely to believe in superstitions related to bad luck....
Native American Superstitions about Meteors
Among the peoples who had their own theories about meteorites were the Native Americans....
Superstitions about babies, animals and love
There are many folk beliefs and superstitions related to babies, love, money and animals....
What are the Superstitions about Comets and Asteroids?
They lie at the core of many superstitions and significant historical events....
German Superstitions about Good Luck and Wealth
Near 1/4 of all Germans practice various superstitions for attracting good luck and wealth, reveals a study from the Allensbach Institute....
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
In Chile they have their own views about meteors....
Everything you Don't Know about Asian Superstitions
Pei, who also designed the glass pyramid in front of the Louvre, but the Tower led to a public scandal....
Find out More About your Character with the Pyramid Test
With a simple test of your imagination and initial reactions, you can find out more about your own character in no time....
Pyramids on Mars
The most interesting thing about them is that the bottom has holes that probably represent entrances....
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