»Choosen Collections»Elizabethan Witches and Superstitions
Talismans and herbs protect from ghosts and witches
Since the immemorial time, comes the belief that amulets and mascots protect their holders from evil Spirits, Wizards, disease, poverty, witches,...
Witches and Vampires Gather at Dracula's Castle
It is crucial for the costumes to capture the essence of spooky characters, such as witches, vampires, demons, skeletons and ghosts....
Superstitions about babies, animals and love
There are many folk beliefs and superstitions related to babies, love, money and animals....
How to Interpret Dreams about Magic and Witches
- If you see a witch casting magic in a dream, you're soon going to save yourself from a huge problem....
German Superstitions about Good Luck and Wealth
Near 1/4 of all Germans practice various superstitions for attracting good luck and wealth, reveals a study from the Allensbach Institute....
Most Popular Beliefs and Superstitions about Meteors
Among the occurrences that they linked to superstitions were meteors....
What are the Superstitions about Comets and Asteroids?
They lie at the core of many superstitions and significant historical events....
Superstitions About Money
A loan is never given in the evening- it is an old superstition whereby lent money will not come back soon, and there will be a lack of money for...
Superstitions surrounding coffee
Another superstition says that if you leave bread and coffee in the house, you have the perfect weapon against ghosts!...
Most popular superstitions
One common superstition is not to pass under a ladder, or lean against a wall. This superstition is rooted in faith and the Trinity....
Superstitions about Cuckoos
negative, until the end of the Middle Ages in Europe they were perceived as unpleasant and secretive birds to people, but with no specific superstitions...
Superstitions about Rings
There exist tons of superstitions about how by wearing a ring you can attract success and protect yourself from danger....
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