
If you wonder why God does not hear your wishes, then there is already another way to share to your prayers.
A student from Israel has made a website through which all the world can write letters to God....

In it, the supreme "God" is impersonal and unknowable.
The followers of Krishna personalize god and actually worship and communicate with his personalized aspects, such as Krishna himself for example....

That same night, God appeared in his dream to thank him for the kind gesture. God promised to watch over him all his life and send him warnings when the man is on the wrong path and is close to death....

In Hinduism, Shiva is considered to be one of the primary forms of God and the patron god of yoga and the arts. The owner of the cow and its calf feels very proud and happy because of the event....

During February 1858 Soubirou Bernadette heard a loud roar and saw the image of Virgin Mary; few people believed that this event would cause the French village Laurdes to be famous worldwide.
In subsequent years the village...

In his work Kibalion is described first of the seven hermetic principles: we live and move in the mind of God, we are part of dreams, meditation, and the Supreme Mind....

God predicted that the Aries would be the first to plant the idea of God in the human mind and would open their eyes to God's creation. As thanks, God gave Aries a feeling of self-worth....

It is believed that each one of the gods controls the fate of different people, with the god ruler being determined depending on the time period of our birth....

The Romans had 2 similar gods - Sterquilinus - the god of manure, and Cloacina - goddess of the sewer system./page...

The name of the Roman god Saturn comes from the Latin word satus, which means to sow. This particular god was also revered as a deity of justice....

It relates to an ancient motif of the thunder god's cows, their theft by the evil god and the ensuing war to get them back....

It has been associated with the sun god Shamash and the High Assyrian god Asshur....

Mother of God spoke through his words and warned of impending nuclear disaster.
She predicted that people hold upon hoping for God's help....



The god of the Underworld remains one of the most mystical of Olympian gods - little is known about him. According to some legends he was a just god....