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Mysticism and Mysteries

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Classical Literature Helps us Read ThoughtsClassical Literature Helps us Read Thoughts
06 Aug.
A study has shown that reading classical literature books can help us develop paranormal abilities, such as reading the thoughts of others.
New Mysterious Holes Appear in SiberiaNew Mysterious Holes Appear in Siberia
06 Aug.
Two new craters of unknown origins appeared in Siberia, after a different hole appeared on the Yamal Peninsula just a few weeks ago, the investigations of which still have not determined why it occurred.
Scientists Have Discovered How to Adjust Our Biological ClockScientists Have Discovered How to Adjust Our Biological Clock
06 Aug.
French researchers have discovered that special light can be used to fine-tune our biological clock. The scientists have tested their discovery on themselves in the continent of Antarctica.
A Bear Hero Saves a Crow from Certain DeathA Bear Hero Saves a Crow from Certain Death
06 Aug.
A bear from the zoo in Budapest became a true hero, after it saved a drowning crow that fell in the water basin of its enclosure by accident.
Even Monkeys Use Networking to Rise in the HierarchyEven Monkeys Use Networking to Rise in the Hierarchy
05 Aug.
It turns out that even in monkeys it's easier for individuals to get ahead if they are helped by a mother or sister with authority in the tribe. While some need to fight for their place, others inherit it from their mother.
The Mystery of the Virgin MothersThe Mystery of the Virgin Mothers
05 Aug.
Statistics show that 1 out of every 200 young women in the US claims that her pregnancy is inexplicable, since she is still a virgin. This has puzzled reproductive problem researchers and has given mystery lovers something to think about.
Scientists Measured the Weight of the Milky WayScientists Measured the Weight of the Milky Way
05 Aug.
British scientists have managed to measure the weight of the Milky Way. It turns out that the mass of our galaxy is equal to half the mass of Andromeda - the galaxy neighboring our Milky Way.
Curses Can be Lifted Using WaterCurses Can be Lifted Using Water
04 Aug.
If you feel worn out, it's possible for someone to have cursed you. In essence, a curse is negative psychological energy, born of hatred, malice and irritation.
How to Recognize the 4 Main TemperamentsHow to Recognize the 4 Main Temperaments
04 Aug.
The 4 fundamental types of temperament are sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic and each one of us belongs to one of these groups. The main temperaments are further divided into introverted and extroverted personalities.
The Frightful Mystery of 3 Cursed IslandsThe Frightful Mystery of 3 Cursed Islands
03 Aug.
There are 3 infamous islands on our planet considered to be cursed since they are the subject of fearsome stories, which even today remain shrouded in mystery. Amidst the beautiful beaches of these unusual places, lies a dark and cursed history.
Indians Wed Frogs Together to Drive Away the DroughtIndians Wed Frogs Together to Drive Away the Drought
03 Aug.
Over 1000 people became witnesses to an unusual wedding between 2 frogs, reports the newspaper Daily Express. The wedding ceremony between the 2 amphibians lasted for 6 hours, and all of the attending guests were from villages in Assam.
What Should a Person Give Up in Order to be Happy?What Should a Person Give Up in Order to be Happy?
03 Aug.
Stop complaining about people, events and other things that upset you and make you unhappy, because everything stems from the psychological mindset and you have the power to change it.
Divination with MatchesDivination with Matches
03 Aug.
One of the easiest methods for revealing what the future has in store for you is divination using plain matches. Divination with matches is used to find out the future of your relations with a given person.