Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Juju MagicJuju Magic
15 Feb.
Juju is a word of alleged West African origin, which was used by the Europeans to describe the traditional religions of West Africa. Etymologically, it means malicious spirit or evil demon in the language of the Hausa ethnic group. . .
Tomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the WorldTomb of Egyptian Queen Portends the End of the World
15 Feb.
Analysis of the tomb of Khentkaus III, wife of the Egyptian pharaoh Neferefre, reveals the cataclysms that destroyed the Egyptian kingdom and that are happening again today.
Einstein was Right! The Gravitational Waves he Predicted Finally DetectedEinstein was Right! The Gravitational Waves he Predicted Finally Detected
12 Feb.
The news was officially announced by scientists from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), experts from Caltech and MIT.
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color BlueSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Blue
10 Feb.
Usually we identify blue with the sky, sea, cleanliness, air, freedom and truth. Naturally, the various nuances have different associations and symbolism but the sea and sky are typically the first things we think of.
The First Robotized Farm Begins Operation in 2017The First Robotized Farm Begins Operation in 2017
09 Feb.
A Japanese company is planning to cut costs by using robot workers. The plain is to have the world's first robotized farm begin operation within 2 years.
What to Wear for Luck in the Year of the Fire MonkeyWhat to Wear for Luck in the Year of the Fire Monkey
08 Feb.
To attract luck in your home or workplace, put a figurine of a monkey in it. It will activate your creative energy, make you more intelligent and mindful of the changes to come.
Calculate Your Fate for the New YearCalculate Your Fate for the New Year
05 Feb.
Russian numerologists believe that fate can be calculated out. According to numerology, the fate of every person consists of cycles, each of which lasts 9 years.
Scientists Confirm the Mozart Effect! His Music Makes us SmarterScientists Confirm the Mozart Effect! His Music Makes us Smarter
04 Feb.
Participants were divided into 3 groups. One group listened to Mozart's music as it was normally played, the 2nd listened to it played backwards, i. e. the composer's sonatas were played forward starting from the end to the beginning.
How Do I Get Over the Past?How Do I Get Over the Past?
04 Feb.
To overcome your past you need to face it directly - this is the most effective method of dealing with it. Don't try to silence the voice of your conscience about an action that makes you feel ashamed of yourself.
How to Believe in Ourselves AgainHow to Believe in Ourselves Again
03 Feb.
Sometimes we just lose confidence in our own abilities. We can't get anything done because everything we start falls apart. Often this happens after a person is subjected to tremendous stress from a breakup, losing a job or loved one or some other reason.
Quick Test: Do you Possess Clairvoyant Abilities?Quick Test: Do you Possess Clairvoyant Abilities?
01 Feb.
All you need is a single coin and a little patience. The test is based on the principle of whether you can alter the likelihood of the coin landing heads or tails.
Gigantic Lizards Threatened Cro-Magnons in AustraliaGigantic Lizards Threatened Cro-Magnons in Australia
01 Feb.
The 1st people to set foot in Australia more than 50 centuries ago would have had to wage war on the giant lizards that had up until then been the only masters of that land.
Magnetic Fields to Create Artificial GravityMagnetic Fields to Create Artificial Gravity
29 Jan.
Powerful magnetic fields will be used to generate artificial gravity. This innovation will help scientists test Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.