The retrograde nature of the planets is observed when it appears from Earth that they are moving backwards. Different planets have different retrograde intervals at different stages of time. See how retrograde planets affect individuals and groups.
The New Moon phase in Aries began at 02:58 UTC today, March 28. As such, this will help any wish that falls under the patronage of the 1st zodiac sign of the horoscope come true.
From March 13 to April 1, Mercury is going to be moving through fiery Aries, making all forms of communication more direct and clear. We may demand more independence in terms of our personal opinions.
For the first time in 2 years, Mars is moving through the zodiac sign of Aquarius, opening the way for turbulent and sudden changes. The planet will find itself in the air sign from November 9 until December 19.
At 11:00 am UTC, the New Moon phase entered the sign of Cancer. The power of the Moon today will help us in fulfilling wishes that fall under the dominion of the water sign.
From April 18 to June 30, Mars will be in apparent backward motion between the signs Sagittarius and Scorpio. When Mars is retrograde, most people are more irritable and needlessly vain.
Mercury will be in apparent backward motion from January 5 - 25 between the signs Aquarius and Capricorn. This period is called retrogradation in astrology and we must be cautious in certain aspects during it.
At the same time, during the day it's highly likely we'll be more scatterbrained, unpredictable and buried by information from just about any field. As such, some zodiac signs will be in their element, while for others the day will be quite stressful.
On November 11, 17:47 UTC, the new moon phase will occur in the sign of Scorpio and this will make all of the wishes within the scope of this sign come true. The 1st 8 hours of the new moon are the most effective.
On September 28th at 02:50 UTC, the full moon phase occurred in fiery Aries. This will fill the day with enthusiasm, energy and make the majority of people more ambitious.
The brightest planets in our Solar System, Jupiter and Venus, will come maximally close to one another in the night sky on July 1st. It is generally believed that the beautiful celestial event was called the Star of Bethlehem in the past.