

Looking for information on Candles? Check out our latest articles on Candles.
Love spells with candlesLove spells with candles
If the second time does not work, try the ritual with a red and white candle. You need white candle wax, red candle wax, a few hairs from a cat and a piece of paper....
Yellow candles help with loveYellow candles help with love
Purple candles are suitable for meditation. Pink candles will help in love and romantic relationships. If you feel tired and need a calm atmosphere, light a blue candle....
The Jewish Hanukkah BeginsThe Jewish Hanukkah Begins
According to traditions, a candle on the menorah is lit every day for a period of 8 days. As each subsequent day passes, the number of lit candles increases. The main candle is called the "shamash"....
How to find out if you are cursedHow to find out if you are cursed
You need a table with a candle in the four corners, the candle must bought in a church. Take a silver ring, tie a red thread to it, wrap it to your right index finger and the pendulum is ready....
Amulets to attract moneyAmulets to attract money
When the candles go out alone, cover the plate with a square piece of red cloth and hide in the eastern part of the house for three days....
Divination with WaxDivination with Wax
A red and pink candle is perfect for love questions, green - for questions related to health. A golden candle is suitable for financial questions....
Rituals That Help In Finding LoveRituals That Help In Finding Love
Then, using a red thread or ribbon, tie the candles together in such a way that they create a common flame. Leave them to burn out completely....
Cleansing Ritual For Clearing Negative EnergyCleansing Ritual For Clearing Negative Energy
You can check if there is a result by lighting a new candle 3 days after cleansing. Let it burn halfway....
Mirrors Attract Money to your HomeMirrors Attract Money to your Home
You need 3 green candles, 1 bank note and at midnight, during a young moon, place the candles on a table....
Folk Beliefs for Attracting MoneyFolk Beliefs for Attracting Money
Magic rituals to attract money Candle ritual For this ritual you need a green blanket, 7 green candles and incense....
Getting Rid of Bad LuckGetting Rid of Bad Luck
After returning, wash your hands under running water and dry them over the candle flame. After the candles have burned down, collect the wax and dispose of it the next morning at the intersection closest to your home....
How to Summon a GhostHow to Summon a Ghost
Light the candles and turn off the lights. If something happens, which incites fear in you, you need to be able to push the bread and cups of water to the floor - then the ghost will disappear....
The mirror: A window to another worldThe mirror: A window to another world
Then go over it with a lighted candle, and leave it in the sun, or exposed to a quartz lamp....