

Looking for information on Angels? Check out our latest articles on Angels.
Angel NumerologyAngel Numerology
This way, your guardian angel sends you messages....
Dreams of Angels and VampiresDreams of Angels and Vampires
An angel with large outspread wings is a sign of upcoming good news. Oftentimes, an angel appears in a dream to help you resolve some type of serious problem....
The Language of the AngelsThe Language of the Angels
Later he created a second book of texts, written in the angelic language, containing 48 poetic verses called "Angelic Keys"....
The Guardian Angels of the Zodiac SignsThe Guardian Angels of the Zodiac Signs
Libra - the angel Barchiel inspires inner strength and compassion required to help others. Scorpio - his angel is Gabriel - one of the most powerful angels....
Shocking! Angela Merkel is Hitler's Daughter?Shocking! Angela Merkel is Hitler's Daughter?
The documents show that the child was Angela Merkel, who according to official data, was born on July 17, 1954....
Angelic Hair with Extraterrestrial OriginsAngelic Hair with Extraterrestrial Origins
He was able to identify some angel hair brought to him for examination, as boron-silicon glass in an unstable condition. The most famous case of "rain" of angel hair was observed in 1954 in Venice....
Signs That Indicate your Guardian Angel is NearbySigns That Indicate your Guardian Angel is Nearby
It's highly likely that your guardian angel is the culprit. Angels love attracting the attention of people via unusual smells....
Talismans to protect from angerTalismans to protect from anger
The owner of the talisman of topaz will feel his anger melt away, and find more new friends. Women whose men have a drinking habit, must have a talisman of amethyst....
Pick an Angel! See What it Predicts for your FuturePick an Angel! See What it Predicts for your Future
Today's easy and fun test is also related to angels. To find out what will happen to you in the near future, pick 1 of the 4 angels in the image....
Signs That your Guardian Angel is Warning you of DangerSigns That your Guardian Angel is Warning you of Danger
For example, getting ink on your hands is a typical angelic message, according to mystics....
Angelic Phrases with Which to Change your Life!Angelic Phrases with Which to Change your Life!
She gained popularity around the claim that she communicates with angels. For years now, Dr....
Do you have a Guardian Angel Line on your Hand? Find out What it MeansDo you have a Guardian Angel Line on your Hand? Find out What it Means
In palmistry, however, both hands are interpreted, while the guardian angel line is thought to be a very good sign. The guardian angel line shows that you're protected by a higher power....
Ways in Which the Angelite Stone can Help youWays in Which the Angelite Stone can Help you
It's used to activate angelic harmony and cleanse our aura too....
Geminids and Beliefs about MeteorsGeminids and Beliefs about Meteors
In Roman times there originated the claim that meteors were actually candles lit by angels in the sky....
To Dream of Traveling to a City Abroad - Find out What it MeansTo Dream of Traveling to a City Abroad - Find out What it Means
Los Angeles - the "City of Angels" also testifies to your need of successes but here they have to do with glamor, luxury and fame....
Interpretation of Dreams in ChristianityInterpretation of Dreams in Christianity
Is it that of satan sending us intimidating messages through our dreams and that of the angels sending us our happy dreams? There is little evidence in the bible to prove this....