Angels are our guardians. They're always keeping an eye out for us and taking care to make sure nothing bad happens to us. Even if we can't see them, there are numerous signs indicating that these mystical guardians are near and looking out for us.
For example, if you see something fluffy in the air or on the ground, it's a sign that your special guardian is nearby. The same applies if you see a white dove or start finding money outside frequently.
Other circumstances that reveal the presence of your angel are a drastic change in temperature, the emergence of a strange smell or noise. All of these are indicators that someone is watching over you. Today's easy and fun test is also related to angels.
To find out what will happen to you in the near future, pick 1 of the 4 angels in the image. Then check to see what changes the corresponding angel predicts below.
Angel 1

You are not consistent in your desires. You set goals for yourself but even you don't know why you're striving toward them. Rethink your priorities carefully and listen to your own voice. It's time to live by following your dreams and not by trying to please others. Their opinion will only push you in the wrong direction.
Angel 2
If you chose the 2nd angel, expect good news and positive emotions soon. Something is going to bring lots of happiness to your life, while also making you grow. There are some challenges ahead but if you believe in yourself and continue to follow your dreams, everything will fall into place.
Angel 3
Very soon you'll be flying on the wings of love. It's possible that you'll renew an old relationship and rediscover your partner. It's also possible that you'll meet someone entirely new. The coming weeks will definitely be romantic and exciting for you, while your summer will be an unforgettable one.
Angel 4
You're going to experience great relief over the coming weeks. If your life has so far been filled with changes, problems and hardships, now the situation will ease up. You'll be able to relax and enjoy your favorite pastimes. Going forward, your day-to-day life will no longer be dull but instead filled with color and joy.