Each zodiac sign has its guardian angel. Let us familiarize ourselves with the guardian angels of the different signs and the ways in which they aid us.
Aries - their guardian angel is called Barachiel. It is his responsibility to take care of Aries' successes, to grant them the energy they need to pursue their goals. The guardian angel transforms Aries into optimists.
Taurus - his guardian angel is called Amitiel. He generally watches over the new undertakings and changes in the Taureans' lives. He fills their souls with the light of hope, helps them clearly see the way before them and understand their purpose on this world.

Gemini - this zodiac sign is under the wing of the angel of victory, Bahram. He aids in handling problems and obstacles without too much effort.
Cancer - the guardian angel Dina constantly pushes the representatives of this sign to gain new knowledge. Cancers are predestined for wisdom and only the wise are capable of achieving greatness in every aspect of life.
Leo - the holy angel Aquariel is responsible for Leos' spiritual development and deep understanding of the world around them.
Virgo - Cadmiel, the angel of destiny, is always ready to help you find your true calling, to choose the right path for you. This angel guides Virgos through their inborn intuition.
Libra - the angel Barchiel inspires inner strength and compassion required to help others.

Scorpio - his angel is Gabriel - one of the most powerful angels. He is the supreme aid when it comes to bringing about cardinal changes in life and creating suitable conditions for grandiose endeavors.
Sagittarius - Sariel is the spiritual being taking care of them during their earthly journey. He helps when Sagittarius has need of it and when he is about to make an important decision. Sariel follows, guides and supports.
Capricorn - ruled by the angel Cambiel. He shields them in all new, unusual and exotic ventures that they love to dive into.
Aquarius - protected by the angel Cathetel, Aquarius is one with his surrounding environment, with nature, favors enlightenment and the deep understanding of the very essence of things.
Pisces - led by the guardian angel known as Egalmiel, responsible for their sexual attractiveness. He inspires confidence in the power of their charm which brings them success in love and in their pursuits.
Prayers toward a guardian angel do not necessarily need to be directed at the one assigned to our personal star sign. To pray to a guardian angel, say a normal prayer, including the name of the zodiacal guardian angel whose help you desire. At the end, give a specific plea within the limits of that which the individual angel can help you with.