All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
If you dream that you are pregnant, this means that you are ready to realize a new idea and experience some new feeling. It may be a sign that you really are pregnant.
Based on the results, German men most often dreamed of work, sex and physical aggression, while German women's dreams contained mostly things from their everyday life, family or clothes.
Research by medics from Harvard University has found the reason why elderly people sleep less than younger folks. It's due to the decline in certain neurons.
If you're sleeping between 7 to 10 hours a night and still cannot get rid of that tired feeling, it most likely has nothing to do with the amount of sleep. There are a few potential reasons for you to be feeling this way.
The British study examined the link between lucid dreaming and insight for the first time. However, those who actually manage to realize that they are dreaming during a dream are a small minority.
To change your life, you need to try to change your routine. Try not to eat before going to bed and fall sleep on an empty stomach for a whole week. This will change your dreams.
In order to learn to get enough sleep quickly, pick a weekend when you may not need to sleep for an entire day. Begin the experiment at midnight. Listen to your body and senses. Find out when your body wants to sleep.
A study shows that a lack of sleep can lead to false memories. The study is the 1st of its kind and has determined that less than 5 hours of sleep per night is linked to the formation of false memories.
If you dream of a breeze - pleasant, even though insignificant, events will take place in your life soon. A storm in a dream is a sign of changes in your fate, which will entirely change your life.
Besides troubles falling asleep, the majority of people face another problem during a full moon - strange dreams. Swedish scientists held a study last year, aiming to find patterns related to our dreams.
Results show that persons who spend all day in an office without light, sleep a whole 46 minutes less. Those who work near a window or out in the open have a better and healthier sleep and therefore a better quality of life.
Our psyche does not coincidentally choose certain images from our subconscious. If you're starting a new project or have been appointed to a new job and you dream of a friend of yours, the project will be successful.
Among the most horrifying dreams that portend death, are those with a bat and screech owl. If you're picking mushrooms in your dream or someone is handing you picked mushrooms, you will irrevocably lose something important to you.