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Meaning of colors

Looking for information on Meaning of colors? Check out our latest articles on Meaning of colors.
Meaning of colors on our bodyMeaning of colors on our body
The orange color is also useful for stomach problems, and also the color yellow for nervous tension....
Symbolism and meaning of the color redSymbolism and meaning of the color red
Basic symbolic meanings of the color red date from antiquity to the present day. Loved by some, hated by others, this color grabs attention and creates special feelings in those who see it....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color GreySymbolism and Meaning of the Color Grey
Plus, they bear a specific meaning. Colors are peculiar symbols that act as psychological catalysts and are used in numerous systems of influence....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color BrownSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Brown
Every color has its own specific meaning and influence. This is why people react differently to the different colors. The color brown is often seen as boring and bourgeoisie....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color BlueSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Blue
In Christianity, the color blue symbolizes goodness, honesty, virtues. In modern times, the color blue also has its own symbolism, distinct from the past....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color PinkSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Pink
Pink is one of those colors that has endless contradictory meanings. The color is a symbol of escapism from reality, a synonym of impracticality....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color WhiteSymbolism and Meaning of the Color White
In the majority of people the color white induces a feeling of ease and quiet, coolness and light. This is the color of sincerity, the ideal, imagination and dreams, a symbol of truth and innocence....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color BlackSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Black
According to psychologists, a person preferring the color black instead of other colors wants to highlight their uniqueness, confidence in themselves and stability in their position....
Symbolism and Meaning of the Color OrangeSymbolism and Meaning of the Color Orange
The color orange, one of the most favored in the color spectrum, is a bright symbol of warmth and pure energy. It embodies the complete balance between consciousness and libido....
Meaning of Colors and Numbers in Dreams According to FreudMeaning of Colors and Numbers in Dreams According to Freud
If you witness 3-digit or 4-digit numbers in your dream, add them up until you get a single digit number and then look at the meaning....
The number of your house or what lies behind itThe number of your house or what lies behind it
The rooms look like the Bermuda Triangle meaning everything in them makes no sense....
Do This Color Test and Learn Everything About YourselfDo This Color Test and Learn Everything About Yourself
The colors placed in the final 2 positions illustrate the things which we need to relinquish permanently. You can find out what meaning lies before each color. 1....
The meaning of moles in mytologyThe meaning of moles in mytology
The size and color of moles are also important and they hint at the future of a human being....