Undoubtedly, the greatest creator in the world is mother nature. The extraordinary forms she has created, whether they be living or not, continue to surpass the abilities of even the most ingenious inventors among humans.
Humans are constantly inspired by nature. It's been that way since the dawn of our civilization. In the past, our prehistoric hunter ancestors mimicked the way animal predators strategized and stalked their prey. They looked at what herbivorous animals ate to see what was safe to eat and what wasn't.
Even today, with all of our modern technology, nature has not lost its appeal to man. Many inventions have been inspired by observing plant and animal species. You'll find the most popular among them below.
1. Water storage - Namib Desert beetle
It rarely rains in the African Namib Desert. It is one of the most inhospitable places for life on Earth. However, the region is home to the Namib Desert beetle, which has developed the unique ability to store water droplets on its carapace, thanks to its small hydrophilic bumps.
Scientists have taken this concept to create materials that can collect water from the air and improve survivability in areas where the main element for life is lacking.
2. Living micro robots - Lampreys
The treatment of various diseases would become sufficiently easier if scientists could explore the body of the person from the inside. Usually, the machines capable of doing this are large and extremely expensive. But with the development of nanotechnologies, this is becoming much easier.
Recently, the creation of the first living micro-robot, Cyberplasm, was announced. It is built from synthesized glucose. It's shaped like the strange creature called a lamprey, a type of parasite.
Lampreys attach themselves to the stomachs of large oceanic fish. Similarly, the micro robot can attach itself to a given part of the human body and provide a detailed look at tumors, trauma and other problems. Over time, the glucose dissolves, leaving no trace of the robot.
3. Robotic arms - Elephant
Containing more than 40 000 muscles, an elephant's trunk is much more functional than human hands. Their universal design has inspired the creation of robotic arms that are becoming ever more widely used and more popular in industry. Their precision is preferred in different factories and labs.

4. Bullet train - Common kingfisher
The common kingfisher is a small bird inhabiting nearly all of Eurasia. Interestingly enough, the first high-speed trains were inspired by the shape of the common kingfisher. Its elongated beak and aerodynamic form enables the bird to reach high speeds and dive into water bodies without splashing water around them. The concept behind bullet trains is the same - to not be hampered by air masses but "dive" into them, at high speed.