»Articles»Mysteries»Inexplicable Stories»Pray you Never See the Mothman - the Harbinger of Death!

Pray you Never See the Mothman - the Harbinger of Death!

Image: Gergana Naskovska

The Mothman, also known as the Winged Man, belongs to an unidentified biological species with humanoid features, 6.6 ft (2 m) tall, grey or black in color, with hypnotic red eyes and a wingspan of over 9.8 ft (3 m). He flies in the sky and causes disruptions in electronic equipment, just like what happens during a geomagnetic storm. Although it may sound like a character description from a science fiction movie, it's what over 150 eyewitnesses have reported after seeing the creature firsthand. Five of them are police officers.

From November 1966 - December 1967, the Mothman was spotted numerous times in the areas of Charleston and Point Pleasant, West Virginia, US. The Mothman was never again seen in Point Pleasant following the tragedy involving the Silver Bridge. On the evening of December 15, 1967, at about 5 p.m. at the peak of rush hour, the 702 ft (214 m)-long bridge collapsed under the weight. Within minutes, it lay in ruins. Dozens of cars plummeted into the icy waters of the Ohio river. 46 people died.

Mothman Flying
Image: Pinterest

There have been other similar cases. As it turns out, the Mothman appears wherever there are severe disasters and accidents, in essence serving as a harbinger of mass death.

The chronology of Mothman sightings over the years are as follows:

1850 - The Abenaki Indians tell stories of the bird-man, who looks exactly what would later become known as the Mothman.

1922 - A massive creature, resembling a bat, flies around the church in West Drayton, England. It finally lands in the cemetery and begins moving between the graves. It stops at one of them and sits there for an extended period of time. When people approached it, it gave off a blood-chilling scream and flew away.

1926 - 15 000 die following the destruction of a Chinese dam. Survivors tell of a black dragon that had been flying for hours above the area.

Mothman on Bridge
Image: Pinterest

1969 - Paranormal expert David Farrant is invited by police to help in the investigation of the Mothman. He personally meets with dozens of eyewitnesses and sees the Mothman himself at a London cemetery. According to him, the Mothman is not a joke or a hoax but completely real.

1970 - The The 4th Infantry Division spots him in the An Khe district, Vietnam. The soldiers thought it was a pterodactyl.

April, 1986 - A nuclear accident occurs at Reactor 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. An explosion kills 40 people, 10 die of high radiation exposure. The fire at the reactor burns for 9 days and contaminates the region with deadly radiation. Helicopters are sent to drop sand and chemicals to tone down the radiation over the region. The pilots report seeing a giant black bird flying in circles amidst the smoke above the reactor - where there was nothing else alive.

2001 - The Mothman is spotted by biologist Stan Gordon and ornithologist Dennis Smeltzer in South Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

Mothman Drawing
Image: Pinterest

2002 - In Florida he is seen by zoologist Scott Norman.

08/10/2004 - He is seen at the bridge in Russell, Ohio, US by Steven Ray.

2005 - The Mothman is spotted numerous times flying in circles over a hill at Highgate Cemetery. British media call it the "Highgate Vampire".

What's even more eerie is the fact that most of the reporters and researchers who had tried to explain its origins died under mysterious circumstances.

The biggest question remains: What exactly is the Mothman?

A bird, large bat, vampire, demon or the Angel of Death himself?

The Post Newspaper reporter John Keel has been the one most credited with his research surrounding the mystery. According to him, the Mothman is trying to warn people about future disasters. He believes that our planet is inhabited by unidentified creatures, which we have mistakenly called demons, spirits, etc.

Keel claims that human history provides proof of the existence of other life forms that inhabit other dimensions outside of our own 4-dimensional one. John Keel has dedicated a book to the Mothman, called The Mothman Prophecies.
