

All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
Still not really clear why we sleepStill not really clear why we sleep
22 Jan.
Continued absence of sleep leads to hallucinations, changes in mood and in some cases even death. Mammals die without sleep.
6 unique facts about dreams6 unique facts about dreams
21 Jan.
Can blind people see their dreams? Dreams constitute reflections of our desires, both conscious and subconscious. Some people dream in black and white. During sleep the body of man is paralyzed.
The importance of stones in our dreamsThe importance of stones in our dreams
14 Jan.
In dreams precious stones are usually subject to a purchase or sale. What is the importance of diamonds, emeralds, amethysts, rubies, opals, sapphires in our dreams?
Prophetic Dreams Depend on ... your PillowProphetic Dreams Depend on ... your Pillow
08 Jan.
If every 7 days you change the location of your pillow, then this will help you remember your dreams. It gives the biggest chance to dream of something prophetic.
Repetitive dreams are an alarm for problemsRepetitive dreams are an alarm for problems
08 Jan.
Recurring dreams signal the internal problem that requires your response to be abolished. Before going to bed, focus on the question of who should decide and interpret the dream.
The dead come to us with a prophetic dream missionsThe dead come to us with a prophetic dream missions
01 Jan.
During sleep 60 of women and 40 of men visit the dead relatives. In the dream they are alive and meet with the dead, talk to each other, and often reveal secrets.
What impact flowers have on DreamsWhat impact flowers have on Dreams
22 Dec.
Sleep with flowers in your bedroom, if you want sweet dreams, scientists recommend. Scientists waited until the experiment participants entered the phase of REM sleep when most dreams occur.
Desire or fearDesire or fear
21 Dec.
Erotic dreams is power of memories from previous experiences from the past days. Dreams do not lie, they reveal repressed unconsciousness.
What you reveal in erotic dreamsWhat you reveal in erotic dreams
21 Dec.
Erotic dreams grant wishes, eliminate fears and release stress. Erotic fantasies are a sign of good health. One of the functions of erotic dreams is to help us get rid of some inhibitions.
Fountain of dreamsFountain of dreams
19 Dec.
Where are dreaming for one third of our lives but why? Some biological processes such as production of hormones, cell regeneration and recovery are carried out at night.