

All about dream interpretations - find the meaning of your dream . Free online dream interpretations . Explore the world of dreams in the online dream network. Dream Analysis and Interpretation - Understand the meaning of your dreams. Great collection of dream interpretations .
Obese people sleep lessObese people sleep less
12 Feb.
People who sleep five or fewer hours per day, more often suffer from overweight and obesity. It is assumed that the duration of sleep affects the speed of Metabolism.
Some good ways to stay awakeSome good ways to stay awake
08 Feb.
A good night sleep helps you to be fresh and energetic the next day. Here are some good ways to stay awake when you want to fight with sleepiness.
Mutated gene makes us sleep lessMutated gene makes us sleep less
08 Feb.
It was found that less sleep is dangerous to health, it lowers the mood, leading to depression and diseases of the endocrine system. Caesar and Napoleon slept less then 6 hours per day.
Men have erotic dreams more often than womenMen have erotic dreams more often than women
07 Feb.
These dreams often reflect our hidden desires, although there are those who do not understand and do not feel free to admit. Women dream sex scenes 5 times a month, and men, every other day.
Tea chasing nightmaresTea chasing nightmares
07 Feb.
If you have nightmares we have a very easy way to beat them. We only need to drink one cup of green or black tea per day. Help avoid sleep disorders.
Man is paralyzed during sleepMan is paralyzed during sleep
03 Feb.
All people dream dreams, but men and women have different dreams. 90 of dreams are forgotten. The blind also dream. People blinded after birth, dreaming dreams in the form of pictures.
Nightmares Help us in Dangerous SituationsNightmares Help us in Dangerous Situations
03 Feb.
They found that nightmarish dreams create specific nerve connections between the levels that support the reaction of people in very dangerous and unexpected situations.
Sleep clears the brainSleep clears the brain
02 Feb.
Lack of sleep favors the accumulation of proteins in the nerve synapses. Sleep is a time when the brain puts in order all the information and eliminates the unnecessary.
Not much sleep, less likely to get dementiaNot much sleep, less likely to get dementia
28 Jan.
Spanish researchers found that older people who sleep more than nine hours a day, have a higher risk of developing dementia. Dementia is a disease of the nervous system.
Secrets of sleepSecrets of sleep
28 Jan.
Interesting ways and tips on how to improve your sleep and sleep habits. When we have a more hectic and busy day it influences our sleep.