Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Dispelled are the myths that slaves built the Egyptian pyramidsDispelled are the myths that slaves built the Egyptian pyramids
22 May
Egyptian pyramids were not built by slaves but by workers. Archaeologists came to this conclusion, after being close to the tombs of Cheops pyramid. 10 thousand workers built the Great Pyramid.
Another fragment of the Sinai Code is foundAnother fragment of the Sinai Code is found
20 May
Nicholas Saris got new, unprecedented fragments of the Sinai Code which is from about 350 AD. The scientist studied manuscripts from the XVIII century.
Skull disproved the theory of African ancestorsSkull disproved the theory of African ancestors
19 May
Archaeologists are convinced that the theory of the origin of man is completely wrong. Their analysis will shed new light on the species of one hundred thousand years ago.
Water chasing depressionWater chasing depression
16 May
Water has strange properties of the type of information that it processes but works very well for women with depression. According to ancient tradition, water helps the woman to sort their feelings.
Antique mirrors - doors to parallel worldsAntique mirrors - doors to parallel worlds
16 May
Antique items have a kind of biofield, incorporating details of its previous owners for centuries. Some even argue that the old door mirrors appear to other, parallel worlds.
Meaning of colors on our bodyMeaning of colors on our body
16 May
Color for the body when used in treatment almost has the same force as medicines, some of today 's descendants of the ancient Chinese healers believe. Color amulets and meaning of colors.
And the ancient scientists have had prophetic dreamsAnd the ancient scientists have had prophetic dreams
15 May
Many ancient scientists and philosophers have recognized a number of prophetic dreams. Edgar Cayce, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner and Tartini have relied on dreams as a source of inspiration.
Pearls are loaded with powerful magicPearls are loaded with powerful magic
04 May
Pearls help to neutralize the negative energy directed at its owner. In the Middle Ages there was also some magic power of the pearls. Men are protected from evil eyes when carrying a pearl.
Aliens hiding in the depths of the oceanAliens hiding in the depths of the ocean
04 May
Experts are concerned about a sharp increase over the last months of the number of unidentified underwater objects. Looks like we have a job with a massive alien invasion.
After loss of consciousness girl can speak 120 languagesAfter loss of consciousness girl can speak 120 languages
26 Apr.
Russian girl can speak 120 spoken language without, having studied any of them. Natasha believes that these 120 languages are from her 120 past lives. In her last incarnation she was Scandinavian