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How to Find Out What My Karmic Purpose is in This Life

How to Find Out What My Karmic Purpose is in This Life

Karma is the law of cause and effect that operates in every person's life. But how do you know what your karmic purpose is in this life? According to astrology, your date of birth can help reveal the secrets of your karma.

Karmic task by date of birth

For those born on 1, 10, 19 or 28, the main karmic purpose is finding a balance between spirituality and the material world. You must develop spiritual qualities, but do not forget about earthly needs.

People born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th or 29th must learn to be patient and forgiving. Your karma is to find harmony in relationships with the people around you.

Those born on 3, 12, 21 or 30 have the purpose of developing communication skills. You need to learn how to effectively communicate with your surroundings and be able to communicate your thoughts to people.

People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st must learn to manage their emotions. Your karma is to be able to control your feelings and not let them dominate you.

For those born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd, the main karmic purpose is to find their place in life. You have to learn to make decisions and not be afraid of change.


People born on the 6th, 15th or 24th must develop a sense of responsibility and concern for others. Your karma is to learn to love and care for others.

Those born on 7, 16 or 25 have a purpose of developing their intuitive abilities. You must learn to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition.

People born on the 8th, 17th or 26th must learn to manage their energy and use it to achieve their goals. Your karma is to learn to control your life energy and direct it in the right direction.

For those born on the 9th, 18th or 27th, the main karmic purpose is to find harmony between their desires and the needs of other people. You have to learn to love and accept yourself as you are and not forget about other people's feelings.

Why it is important to know your karmic purpose

Knowing our karmic purpose helps us find our deeper meaning in life. It allows us to understand what lessons we need to learn, what obstacles to overcome, and what talents and abilities to develop. Knowing our karmic purpose gives us a purpose that becomes the basis for our personal growth and self-knowledge.


Karma is the law of cause and effect, which states that our actions in the past and present affect our future. Knowing our karmic purpose allows us to recognize the connection between our actions and the consequences we face. This allows us to learn from our mistakes, overcome limitations and progress on the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Thus, understanding your karmic purpose based on your date of birth can help you develop and achieve success in life. But remember that you can always change your karma if you work on yourself and your qualities.

Read more:

- The Karmic Numbers;

- Redemption of karmic debt;

- Karmic Marriage;

- Release from bad karma;
