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Pieces of Ice Found on MercuryPieces of Ice Found on Mercury
27 Oct.
It is presumed that some of the discovered pieces had formed relatively recently, while the presence of dark matter was registered in others....
Uranus Goes RetrogradeUranus Goes Retrograde
23 July
Beginning Tuesday, July 22nd, until December 21st, Uranus enters into its retrogradation phase. The planet will move in an opposite direction in the sign of Aries, which will lead to the representatives of the fire...
The Effects of Aromas on DreamsThe Effects of Aromas on Dreams
19 May
Sleep with flowers in your bedroom if you want to have sweet dreams, advise scientists, quoted by the BBC. Participants, who took part in an experiment were left to sleep in a room full of roses and afterwards...
Meaning of Moles on the FaceMeaning of Moles on the Face
29 Apr.
Moles do not always mean trouble for people. Below, their meaning is discussed. Moles can complement the beauty of a person, especially when you think of a super model like Cindy Crawford, as well as attractive and talented...
Meaning of colors on our bodyMeaning of colors on our body
16 May
Color for the body when used in treatment almost has the same force as medicines, some of today\'s descendants of the ancient Chinese healers believe. They cure ailments as it had for their ancestors when being wrapped...
Acid Fog Erodes Martian RocksAcid Fog Erodes Martian Rocks
07 Dec.
During these same, they tested the effects of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid onto a surrogate of Martian basalt rocks. The result was the same as the one seen on the Martian rocks....
Risk of Disease Also Depends on your Month of BirthRisk of Disease Also Depends on your Month of Birth
25 June
A study by experts from Columbia University has found a correlation between the risk of certain diseases and the birth month. Just a little over 1.7 million patients were analyzed. The data reveal that 55 types of...
Types of Revenge Based on Zodiac SignTypes of Revenge Based on Zodiac Sign
07 Oct.
Every person gets revenge a different way, depending on their zodiac sign, when they feel affected, whether the offense came from someone they hardly know or their closest friend. When it comes to revenge, some star signs...
The meaning of moles on your faceThe meaning of moles on your face
27 Mar.
Moles do not always mean trouble for people. Below, their significance is discussed. Moles can complement the beauty of aperson, especially when you think of super model Cindy Crawford, and the attractive and talented...
Seven Types of Character Based on Facial FeaturesSeven Types of Character Based on Facial Features
08 June
Our distinctive facial features can determine our character quite accurately. This is the opinion of experts from various fields, who determine 7 main types of temperament on the basis of facial characteristics. The...
Four of the Creepiest Places on the PlanetFour of the Creepiest Places on the Planet
04 Feb.
It matters not whether you believe in ghosts or laugh at those who cringe frightfully every time they hear an unfamiliar noise or it gets dark. Our planet contains ghostly and cursed places, capable of terrifying even the...
Qur'an push on the body of a babyQur'an push on the body of a baby
03 Nov.
Phrases from the Quran appear and then disappear from the body of a nine month old boy from a village in the Republic Degestan, revealed the RIA Novosti representative of a local mosque. "The family Yakubovi said their...
What color hair goes with green eyesWhat color hair goes with green eyes
07 Oct.
Finding the right hair color for green eyes is a challenge. There are many elements to consider when choosing the right hair color. Your analysis should be based on your skin tone, eye color and your true hair color. If...
Five Theories about the Origin of Life on EarthFive Theories about the Origin of Life on Earth
18 June
Life on Earth emerged about 3 billion years ago. The 1st inhabitants on the planet were ancient microbes that gradually evolved into the rich diversity of living organisms that surround us. But how exactly life arose...
The Legend of the Most Beautiful Oasis on EarthThe Legend of the Most Beautiful Oasis on Earth
05 June
The most beautiful oasis on the planet is located in South America, reports the Daily Mail. Sprawling in one of the driest areas on Earth, the village Huacachina, found among the barren landscape of the Atacama desert...
Our Marriage Depending on the Lines of the HandOur Marriage Depending on the Lines of the Hand
16 Apr.
It is believed that palm reading can predict a person's entire future. Palmistry experts add that our future marital union is also described on our hands. The line of marriage, for those persons that have it, is...
Dreams on the Night of Wednesday Going into ThursdayDreams on the Night of Wednesday Going into Thursday
10 June
During sleep, the human brain processes a tremendous amount of information, received both consciously and subconsciously. The reason we see dreams is still not clear but some of them are prophetic and do come true....
Dreams on the Night of Thursday Going into FridayDreams on the Night of Thursday Going into Friday
06 June
Prophetic dreams often transpire on the night of Thursday going into Friday. On Thursday nights, you must pay close attention to the details you witness in the dream. That's why, as soon as you wake up, write down everything...
Dreams on the Night of Tuesday Going into WednesdayDreams on the Night of Tuesday Going into Wednesday
05 June
The dreams that you have on Tuesday going into Wednesday are under the rulership of Mercury. That is why dreams on that night are usually pleasant and light. But if your dream going into Wednesday was overloaded with...
Dreams on the Night of Friday Going into SaturdayDreams on the Night of Friday Going into Saturday
28 May
The dreams we witness on Friday going into Saturday are ruled over by the planet Saturn. It has an influence over our fate and luck, whether things will go well for us in work and in love. The dreams we see on...
Dreams on the Night of Monday Going into TuesdayDreams on the Night of Monday Going into Tuesday
19 May
Every day of the week has a direct link with a certain planet. This has an influence on the dreams a person has on the nights going into certain days. Tuesday is under the influence of the red planet with a warlike...
Dreams on the Night of Sunday Going into MondayDreams on the Night of Sunday Going into Monday
15 May
Some dreams are prophetic and in order to find out whether a particular dream is one of these, take into consideration the day of the week you dreamed it. Each day is ruled over by a different celestial object, with the...
Character and Fate of a Child Born on SundayCharacter and Fate of a Child Born on Sunday
19 Nov.
Children who are born on Sunday are ruled by the Sun. From an early age, these children want to be leaders. When they grow up, they never remain in the shadow of others. They are very energetic from a young age, they are...
Your dreams on the night of Saturday to SundayYour dreams on the night of Saturday to Sunday
26 June
People spend most of their lives sleeping. Scientists say five minutes after waking up one forgets 50% of their sleep and 10 minutes later, 90% is lost. There are some dreams, however, that we should try to remember. These...
The influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 11-20 lunar dayThe influence of the phases of the moon on humans - 11-20 lunar day
30 Nov.
The eleventh lunar day is one of the most powerful energy days of the lunar month. It brings good luck, but you should carefully consider before making a final decision concerning business. On this day, do not kill insects...