»Choosen Collections»Aztec Human Sacrifice Facts
Aztec human sacrifice
Human sacrifice perpetrated by Aztec zivilization is staggering, not only for Spaniards who first enter Mexico but for modern society....
Human sacrifices in Peru
The most controversial of modern rites of ancient South American societies, is human sacrifice....
Human sacrifice discovered in Peru
A temple with a tomb has been discovered in which for thousands of years has remains of human sacrifices in it....
The Most Curious Facts about Human Evolution
In their efforts to find out where we've come from and why, the experts have found some quite curious and remarkable facts....
5 Curious Facts about the Human Body
The human body is an entire Universe of facts, both solved and unsolved by scientists....
The Aztec Civilization
The place of Aztec culture in the world cultural heritage
Today, the Aztecs are known as fierce warriors who performed blood-curdling human sacrifices...
Human Zoos - a Shameful Stain in Human History
And even though we've made significant progress when it comes to equal human rights, blacks lacked even the most basic humane empathy just several...
Aztecs - Civilization and CultureAztecs - culture and religion
Religion of Aztec is characterized by human sacrifices that were rich in ceremonies to honor the gods....
False Historical Facts!
We're used to accepting every historical claim as fact. But it turns out that some of the well-known "facts" we're familiar with are pure lies....
Mayans moved to another dimension with sacrifices
portal to another world, the Mayan Civilization had to engage sacrifices....
Mysteries of the human brain
There is a theory that the mechanism of brain activity leads to workings of something outside the human body....
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