
Dogs relieve people who suffer from anxiety and nerves.
Companion dogs work well for people who suffer from various mental illnesses....

British research center began to train dogs in specializing the detection of reduced level of blood sugar in diabetic patients....

This ancient breed of dogs are famed for being particularly disciplined and for making good guard dogs....

Ugly betrayal looms over 3 zodiac signs in early 2018. The worst thing about this is the fact that this horrible act will be the doing of someone close.
Bad news sometimes come for good reasons. They open our eyes and...

Dogs with reddish hair guard against jinxes and magic. Dogs with dark black hair are recommended for people who are too emotional....

In Slavic legends, black dogs were thought to be the only creatures that could predict death....


Of course, when interpreting dreams with dogs, we have to keep in mind their breed, if it's possible to determine in said dream....

Nikolai Krasnogorsky
Ivan Pavlov was well known for his work in making dogs salivate at the sound of a bell. His student, Nikolai Krasnogorsky, took this concept much further - using children instead of dogs....

But the majority of cats and dogs jump into their owner's bed with joy or choose to lie by the foot of the bed during the night....

Look to your pet animals - cats and dogs never lie in areas where the lines intersect. Dogs usually prefer to be within the rectangle, while cats lie on the lines as well....

Guests claim to have heard noises from the slam of doors, sounds of footsteps and eerie barks of laughter or dogs....

Dogs can embody both friends and foes from real life. If the dog is aggressive toward you, it means you're facing serious competition or quarrels in reality....

Some sources have other descriptions of the Gorgon, such as the gorgon had a head of dogs or lions and there are those that describe the Gorgon as being possessed by wild boar pigs....


That way, humans, much like dogs, will be able to put their ears back and relax them.
The main method of communication between the mute people will be telepathy. Language won't have any speech functions at all....