»Articles»Mysteries»Ghosts appear in the White House

Ghosts appear in the White House

The white house

Spirits from previous inhabitants attacked the White House, announced on the eve of Halloween a popular us newspaper.

In the words of people who for one reason or another are nights in the White House, speak of unexplainable phenomena that has occurred. Guests claim to have heard noises from the slam of doors, sounds of footsteps and eerie barks of laughter or dogs.

According to most people around the corridors of the White House a wandering ghost of the former President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln is the culprit. It is also noted that the ghost appeared when the country is in crisis.

Lincoln's ghost allegedly had been seen even by British Prime Minister Churchill. During the Second World War, he settled for the night in the Lincoln Bedroom. The next morning, however, he wished to leave the White House, because he was scared by the ghost of the 16th U.S. president, who visited him that night.
