Ugly betrayal looms over 3 zodiac signs in early 2018. The worst thing about this is the fact that this horrible act will be the doing of someone close.
Bad news sometimes come for good reasons. They open our eyes and lay the groundwork for a better period in our lives. This is why we need to maintain a positive mindset even in our darkest moments. In so doing, we avoid taking our problems too seriously and prevent them from overwhelming us.
But prepared as we might be for bad times, betrayal is something that hurts deep. If experienced at the hands of loved ones, it can break our heart. As unpleasant as it sounds, 3 zodiac signs can expect exactly that at the beginning of 2018.

The planets provide us hints as to which zodiac signs will be shaken by treachery at the hands of loved ones. Find out who they are below.
You put your heart in everything that you do. The stars advise you to focus your energy toward something you feel to be full of promise and success. You're meeting with a person whom you see as exciting and, as always, are investing a lot of emotions in your relations. But they will not return these, which will disappoint you. You're going to feel betrayed. Luckily, you're quickly going to get over the negative feelings.
You haven't been trusting of your friends lately and with good reason. Rely on your intuition. Not everyone around you means you well, so be prepared. One of your most trusted friends will betray you, embittering you. Overcome this emotion quickly - it's all for the better. No one needs such deceivers around them.
Don't be so naive. As a good soul, you're always trying to make others happy but soon you're going to get burned. At the very beginning of the year you're going to face disappointment from someone you had counted on thus far. It may even be someone that you considered closest. Everything happens for a reason. Once you overcome this treachery, you'll be stronger and more purposeful going forward in life.