Mysticism and Mysteries

Mysticism and Mysteries

Welcome to the great mystery information center. Explore the world of unrevealed phenomena, unexplained mysteries , mystical events or simply curious stories. Mystery entertainment, information and articles for all who like mystery and mysteries . The greatest mysteries of mankind. Short mystery stories .
Does your Phone Number Coincide with your Goals?Does your Phone Number Coincide with your Goals?
25 Nov.
According to numerologists, the sum of the digits of your phone number can be the reason for a number of mishaps, but can also bring luck in your workplace and the activities you participate in.
Our Pets Shield us from EvilOur Pets Shield us from Evil
22 Nov.
It is believed that cats and dogs are the first to sense a person that crosses the threshold into your home. Animals react immediately when they sense negative energy, intentions for theft or evil.
The Prophecies of FatimaThe Prophecies of Fatima
21 Nov.
On the 13th of May, 1917, in a pasture near the Portuguese town of Fátima, 3 shepherds witnessed the appearance of the mother of Jesus - the Virgin Mary.
The Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record RatesThe Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record Rates
21 Nov.
The record paces, at which the world's oceans are acidifying, are only one of three factors that are a danger to it. It goes hand-in-hand with global warming and the decreasing levels of oxygen.
Symbolism of TattoosSymbolism of Tattoos
20 Nov.
Up until just a few years ago, tattoos were part of an eccentric fashion that only the most adventurous tried out. One of the trends is to have wise or thought-provoking quotes.
The Most Famous AsteroidsThe Most Famous Asteroids
19 Nov.
The recorded history of asteroids began in the 18th century. Even back then it was known that the distances between the planets and the sun follow the Titius–Bode law.
Gemstone Types and their MeaningGemstone Types and their Meaning
19 Nov.
Gemstones are the eternal flowers of our planet. They encompass beauty, durability, rarity, uniqueness and special meaning. In this article, we will debunk the myths about the types of gemstones and find out more about their meaning.
Year of the Snake for AriesYear of the Snake for Aries
18 Nov.
The year of the snake will give the always stubborn Aries luck and even a little human miracle, which will show him the beauty of life on this world.
A Brazilian Man Rises from the GraveA Brazilian Man Rises from the Grave
18 Nov.
A Brazilian man that was buried while still alive, scared a woman half to death, while she was passing near the graveyard in São Paulo. The terrified woman explained that she heard groans from the earth as she was walking toward the grave of a loved one.
What is the First Immortal Creature on the Planet?What is the First Immortal Creature on the Planet?
15 Nov.
The theory that claimed that all living things on Earth are mortal was refuted by scientists, who discovered the first immortal organism. Once it reaches sexual maturity, the jellyfish again transforms into a polyp and repeats its life cycle.
The Most Famous Comets Throughout HistoryThe Most Famous Comets Throughout History
15 Nov.
At the beginning of December of this year, we may witness the passing of the comet ISON. Scientists predict that looking at the comet will be akin to looking at a full moon.
Mysterious Ancient CitiesMysterious Ancient Cities
14 Nov.
The remains of numerous ancient cities provoke the human imagination because of the mysteries surrounding them. There are cities that no one knows how they were built and how they came to be, even to this day.
The Mysterious Light Photographed Near the MoonThe Mysterious Light Photographed Near the Moon
13 Nov.
Mysterious blue-green glimmers were photographed near the moon by NASA during the Apollo 15 mission. Similar mysterious lights were noticed by the crews of Apollo 11, Apollo 12 and Apollo 13.