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Letter to GodLetter to God
10 Sept.
If you wonder why God does not hear your wishes, then there is already another way to share to your prayers. A student from Israel has made a website through which all the world can write letters to God....
Krishna - God of JusticeKrishna - God of Justice
22 June
In it, the supreme "God" is impersonal and unknowable. The followers of Krishna personalize god and actually worship and communicate with his personalized aspects, such as Krishna himself for example....
How God Warns Us? (Parable)How God Warns Us? (Parable)
08 Mar.
That same night, God appeared in his dream to thank him for the kind gesture. God promised to watch over him all his life and send him warnings when the man is on the wrong path and is close to death....
Mother of God targets in French CaveMother of God targets in French Cave
24 Nov.
During February 1858 Soubirou Bernadette heard a loud roar and saw the image of Virgin Mary; few people believed that this event would cause the French village Laurdes to be famous worldwide. In subsequent years the village...
Three-Eyed Calf-God Born in IndiaThree-Eyed Calf-God Born in India
19 Sept.
In Hinduism, Shiva is considered to be one of the primary forms of God and the patron god of yoga and the arts. The owner of the cow and its calf feels very proud and happy because of the event....
Hindu mythology presents the world as a dream of the god VishnuHindu mythology presents the world as a dream of the god Vishnu
16 May
In his work Kibalion is described first of the seven hermetic principles: we live and move in the mind of God, we are part of dreams, meditation, and the Supreme Mind....
Human sacrifice discovered in PeruHuman sacrifice discovered in Peru
20 May
Opening up the archaeological site, evidence shows that the complex belonged to people believed to stem from God Naylamp....
The Legend of the Zodiac SignsThe Legend of the Zodiac Signs
13 Oct.
God predicted that the Aries would be the first to plant the idea of God in the human mind and would open their eyes to God's creation. As thanks, God gave Aries a feeling of self-worth....
Our Character According to the Viking HoroscopeOur Character According to the Viking Horoscope
16 June
It is believed that each one of the gods controls the fate of different people, with the god ruler being determined depending on the time period of our birth....
The Most Bizarre Gods of the Ancient WorldThe Most Bizarre Gods of the Ancient World
28 Feb.
The Romans had 2 similar gods - Sterquilinus - the god of manure, and Cloacina - goddess of the sewer system./page...
The Romans Celebrated Saturnalia the Week Before ChristmasThe Romans Celebrated Saturnalia the Week Before Christmas
19 Dec.
The name of the Roman god Saturn comes from the Latin word satus, which means to sow. This particular god was also revered as a deity of justice....
What Does a Ladybug Symbolize?What Does a Ladybug Symbolize?
28 Nov.
It relates to an ancient motif of the thunder god's cows, their theft by the evil god and the ensuing war to get them back....
The symbol of the winged sunThe symbol of the winged sun
07 Dec.
It has been associated with the sun god Shamash and the High Assyrian god Asshur....
Virgin Mary predicted Chernobyl disasterVirgin Mary predicted Chernobyl disaster
25 June
Mother of God spoke through his words and warned of impending nuclear disaster. She predicted that people hold upon hoping for God's help....
Interpretation of Dreams in ChristianityInterpretation of Dreams in Christianity
26 July
It is also believed it is God and is trying to tell the dreamer what will happen in the near future....
Ancient Egyptian MythsAncient Egyptian Myths
07 Jan.
History of Nut and Geb Meanwhile, to Shu and Tefnut were born two children-Nut, goddess of the sky and Geb, the god of the earth. Nut and Geb married without the permission of Rah, the god of creation....
The Legend of the Kingdom of HadesThe Legend of the Kingdom of Hades
01 Mar.
The god of the Underworld remains one of the most mystical of Olympian gods - little is known about him. According to some legends he was a just god....
The Language of the AngelsThe Language of the Angels
30 Mar.
In 1581, John Dee wrote in his personal diaries that he received a vision according to which God sent benign angels to make direct contact with the prophets to reveal God's will....
The Legendary Weapons That Shaped HistoryThe Legendary Weapons That Shaped History
13 June
The personal sword of the god Shiva had the ability to kill all living things on Earth and even destroy all of creation. The supreme Hindu god entrusted the weapon to the mighty warrior Arjuna....
Indian Man has Been Living for 38 Years with Hand Raised to ShivaIndian Man has Been Living for 38 Years with Hand Raised to Shiva
18 May
Many might see Bharati's arm simply as a useless appendage but for many of his fellow countrymen it is a symbol of the devotees to the god Shiva....
The Lost City of AtlantisThe Lost City of Atlantis
27 Feb.
This was a culture that revolved around the god of sea, Poseidon. It is expectеd that nothing nice would to come out of this as Poseidon is not the true god to man....
Alexander the Great and ancient EgyptAlexander the Great and ancient Egypt
29 Nov.
In Luxor Alexander the Great depicts how the hands divine honors of his father, god Amon....
How Did Ancient Peoples Perceive Dreams?How Did Ancient Peoples Perceive Dreams?
14 Dec.
In ancient Greece it was believed that Zeus - the supreme god - aided by the god of dreams, Morpheus, sent out warnings, messages and prophecies to people....
Basic Principles and Essence of KabbalahBasic Principles and Essence of Kabbalah
03 Nov.
The Cosmogenesis of Kabbalah According to Kabbalah, there is no doubt that the world is a creation of God....
Superstitions about Friday the 13thSuperstitions about Friday the 13th
13 Dec.
Legend speaks of how 12 gods celebrated in Valhalla - the home of the god Odin, when the 13th god, of evil and fire, appeared - Loki. He barged into the festivities and killed Baldur - the god of joy, using a dart....