

Looking for information on Uranus? Check out our latest articles on Uranus.
Uranus Goes RetrogradeUranus Goes Retrograde
Beginning Tuesday, July 22nd, until December 21st, Uranus enters into its retrogradation phase....
Weekly Horoscope Until December 21stWeekly Horoscope Until December 21st
The aspects between Uranus and Pluto and Pluto and Venus will make the first days of the new week very critical for you....
Chiron in the Signs: the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Sign!Chiron in the Signs: the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Sign!
You cannot destroy the ego without gaining the ability to deal with the pure energy of Uranus....
Weekly Horoscope Until June 15thWeekly Horoscope Until June 15th
This week, Neptune becomes retrograde in Pisces, Mercury continues its backward motion in Cancer, and a tense square will form between Mars, Uranus and Pluto....
How your apartment number influences your destinyHow your apartment number influences your destiny
Otherwise, you will be persecuted by vertebrate diseases. 8 is under the patronage of Uranus - the element of favorable contacts with friends....
See Photo of the Birth of a New PlanetSee Photo of the Birth of a New Planet
The distance between the new planet and its star is roughly equal to the distance between the Sun and Uranus. Analysis indicates that PDS 70b is a gas giant that is several times the mass of Jupiter....
What the Zodiac Signs Should Prepare for This WeekWhat the Zodiac Signs Should Prepare for This Week
The sextile between Uranus and Venus on Sunday will predispose most people to take part in social events....
How the Planets Will Affect us Until the End of JuneHow the Planets Will Affect us Until the End of June
Throughout the week, it will be exceptionally important to be patient and calm, especially on Wednesday, when Mars and Uranus form an opposition....
What the Stars Predict about you Today - February 18What the Stars Predict about you Today - February 18
The aspect between the planets is tense today because Pluto and Uranus form a square, and this usually foreshadows revolutions and an increased risk of accidents....
What 2018 will be Like According to AstrologyWhat 2018 will be Like According to Astrology
On May 15, 2018, Uranus will be transitioning from Aries to Taurus, where it will remain for several years....
The Year of the Sun: 2017The Year of the Sun: 2017
Uranus and the Sun throughout the year are going to bring us many unexpected turning points, thanks to which we'll be able to grow....
The history of the Sumerian civilizationThe history of the Sumerian civilization
It is believed that the Sumerians knew about Pluto, Uranus and that their knowledge of mathematics can exceed even the knowledge that we have today....
NASA Creates New Map of JupiterNASA Creates New Map of Jupiter
The new program will be studying the other planets of the Solar System, going on to analyze Uranus, Neptune and Saturn. This will allow scientists to monitor the changes of our neighboring planets over the years....
What to Expect in the Year of the Wood GoatWhat to Expect in the Year of the Wood Goat
The tension between Uranus and Pluto will subside and military conflicts will dwindle. It is possible for technological revolutions in 2015 to change our lives completely....
Jupiter Once Birthed Another Gas Giant Planet in the Solar SystemJupiter Once Birthed Another Gas Giant Planet in the Solar System
This was the 5th gas giant in our Solar System, along with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Back in 2011, scientists presumed about the existence of such a planet but were unclear as to how it occurred....
Weekly Horoscope Until July 27thWeekly Horoscope Until July 27th
On July 22nd, Uranus goes retrograde in Aries, on Wednesday the Sun will transition into fiery Leo, and on Saturday Mars enters into Scorpio....