On Monday, Venus enters into Gemini, ushering in lots of flirting and communication. On Wednesday, Mars and Uranus will form an opposition, which will increase tension, while the new moon on Friday will encourage all types of family activities.
Aries - Remain patient and calm
This week you will strengthen your relationships and partnerships. Throughout the week, it will be exceptionally important to be patient and calm, especially on Wednesday, when Mars and Uranus form an opposition. Because of the new moon on Friday, you can display an act of kindness to your family, who will be greatly pleased by it.
Taurus - Save money

This week you will look into new opportunities for saving money. Because Mercury is retrograde, it is not recommended for you to make spontaneous purchases, instead rethink before you spend your money. The new moon on Friday will push you to new activities, which will have success in the future.
Gemini - Trust your intuition
You will feel quite insecure this week. It is possible for your partner to avoid you, leaving you with the impression that they prefer solitude to your company. The planetary aspects advise you to trust your intuition in order to fulfill your goals.
Cancer - Trouble is coming
Obstacles get in the way of your grand plans. A conflict between family members or colleagues at work may cause you trouble for a time. The new moon in your sign this Friday will empower you to initiate an old plan.
Leo - Love and romance throughout the week
Days loaded with love and romance await you this week, no matter if you're looking for a long-term relationship or a short flirt. On the other hand, this period will not be particularly suitable for seeking favors of others. On Friday, you can dedicate yourself to spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga.

Virgo - Changes in your social environment
An informal meeting during the week will help your career. You will feel fairly stressed in the coming days but despite everything you must keep calm. Friday will present you with a new chance for a change in your social environment.
Libra - Take a stand against your irritants
It is possible for some people to disappoint you in the beginning of the week, ruining your peace. Now is the time for you to stand up against the people who have been irritating you for some time. The new moon on Friday will provide you with a new opportunity in your career.
Scorpio - Relax this week
It's time for you to escape from the stress and tension, especially on Wednesday, when it will escalate. Focus on travel and studies, and try to relax as much as possible. Be careful not to get duped on the love front.

Sagittarius - Problems with friends
Some of your friends will burden you with their problems this week. These same people will go back to their daily routine after just a few days. On Friday you need to think about a new opportunity, where you can invest your money.
Capricorn - Luck in love
With Venus entering into Gemini this Monday, you will attain a great dose of luck in love. The combination of common sense and ingenuity will lead you toward exactly what you must do. The new moon will drive you to take your love life to the next level.
Aquarius - Take advice from friends
You will mainly feel goodness and support around you. If you listen closely to your intuition and friends, you will be able to resolve problems which have been troubling you for some time. New opportunities for love will present themselves this Saturday.
Pisces - Do not make unnecessary purchases
This week you will not receive the support you've been expecting. Midweek, you will feel a great urge to shop but it is advised not to make any unnecessary purchases, guarding your budget. The weekend will be perfect for some romance.