Woe to all those who were hoping that today would be a nice and pleasant day. The aspect between the planets is tense today because Pluto and Uranus form a square, and this usually foreshadows revolutions and an increased risk of accidents. Still, the fact that Venus is in Aquarius does to some degree curtail the negative influence of the Pluto-Uranus square.
Aries - Your efforts from the past will pay off today. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Expect a romantic dinner with your partner which has a chance of being ruined by some unexpected bad news.
Taurus - Today, Taureans have to roll up their sleeves and finish the work they've long been putting off. This may be annoying chores at home or a postponed project at the workplace. It's a good idea to seek the aid of loved ones when it comes to the home or of professionals when it comes to work assignments because things are a lot more complex than they seem at first.
Gemini - You're getting all the attention. Today, Geminis can expect a number of phone calls from loved ones, relatives or friends, who will share positive and interesting information with them. This information will turn out to be very valuable in the near future.

Cancer - The financial issues that have been plaguing you these past several days are on their way to getting resolved on their own. You'll receive good news or an unexpected sum of money that will even allow you to spoil yourself. Still, refrain from reckless and impulsive buys so you don't end up in the same financial quicksand once again.
Leo - You'll feel inspired and motivated to work. This won't go unnoticed by your bosses, who will be impressed by your innovative ideas and suggestions. Take the time to write down your best ones because these will bring you financial benefits in the near future.
Virgo - You're literally pulsing with emotions and feelings. The slight tension in your intimate life that you felt during the past few days is on its way to dissipating completely and the night promises to be filled with plenty of romance and erotic experiences, especially for female Virgos.
Libra - It's time to step out of your loneliness and briefly forget about work, especially when your work day has ended a long time ago. Today it would be good if you paid special attention to your partner. Put in the effort to make her feel special and you'll be rewarded with an exceptionally delightful evening.
Scorpio - Nothing you've planned will go your way today. You'll face obstacles of every sort and won't be able to get anything done all day. But you shouldn't despair because these hurdles are only temporary and you'll soon make up for them. There is a danger of conflict at the workplace.

Sagittarius - You've taken it upon yourself to care for a loved one but you may have to head over to work real quick to do something urgently, which will put you at a crossroads. Weigh all the pros and cons, deciding only based on the facts and leave the emotional aspect aside.
Capricorn - You'll be torn between conflicting directions because your soul yearns to stay home, where it's warm, and read a good book, while your obligations will force you to run errands from the morning. Show patience and resourcefulness in order to get everything done on time. A sort of reward for your efforts will be the pleasant evening waiting for you.
Aquarius - Don't let the minor pitfalls you'll encounter today ruin your good mood. You'll get a lot more work done than you had planned. This way you'll end up with free time which you can use yourself or spend with loved ones, the choice is yours.
Pisces - A conflict with your partner will make you feel depressed all day. Your disappointment in their behavior will be great, and the insult - difficult to forgive. Focus on your work and if possible, set aside some time to reevaluate your relationship and feelings.