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Previous Lives

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The truth about your previous livesThe truth about your previous lives
Children do not need excessive attention with the fictional stories about their previous lives, so they can be trusted most of all....
Who was I in my past lifeWho was I in my past life
There is no one in this world who has not wondered if rebirth exists and what he or she was in their previous life. We live in a material world, which are related to and which are dependent on....
Have I ever lived here beforeHave I ever lived here before
When you are on the verge of falling asleep, your mind will be cleared and you'll remember other details of your previous incarnations....
Is it dangerous to remember past livesIs it dangerous to remember past lives
With the help of hypnosis, you can remember your previous lives. But this can be very damaging to your psyche. Not surprisingly, the memories of your previous lives are hidden from us....
Get to know your past livesGet to know your past lives
The purpose of reincarnation is continuous improvement, but also clearing karma from previous lives....
Five-year-old boy remembers his past lifeFive-year-old boy remembers his past life
She did not pay any attention, but the boy talked every day for the white house, where he previously lived with his brothers and sister. In his words, the house was near the beach....
Regression therapy: who were we in our past lives?Regression therapy: who were we in our past lives?
Liverpool hypnotist Joe Keaton has conducted several experiments on returning to previous lives when meeting with London journalist Brian Ray....
The Power and Experience of Our Past LivesThe Power and Experience of Our Past Lives
According to people who believe in reincarnation and past lives, a person's birthmark has a connection to how they died in their previous existence on Earth....
Moles are scars from a previous lifeMoles are scars from a previous life
Some moles are old scars from branding made in the previous lives of the people. Moles that look like human faces, make their owner have the feeling that someone is constantly watching him....
How Karma affects finding our true loveHow Karma affects finding our true love
It is believed that our lives will not be fully complete unless we find our soul mate and therefore should not wonder that we feel the lack of a permanent thing....
Why you Should Never Sleep Across from a MirrorWhy you Should Never Sleep Across from a Mirror
Then they use the mirrors and never consider that they are in that way beginning to relive the lives of their previous owners....
Ying and Yang factsYing and Yang facts
As mentioned previously, Ying and Yang are present in our everyday lives, and can easily be seen, for example, Ying energy can be seen as anything or anywhere that is Dark, dead and silent....
Desire or fearDesire or fear
In most cases it comes to the intimate lives of you and your partner. If you often dream that your making love close to a fire, it means that your love is dynamic and shared....
After loss of consciousness girl can speak 120 languagesAfter loss of consciousness girl can speak 120 languages
Natasha believes that these 120 languages are from her 120 previous lives. She tells of life in the primitive tribe in the medieval Japan, In England during the 17th century and in France during Napoleon....
Dinosaurs Appeared Earlier Than We BelievedDinosaurs Appeared Earlier Than We Believed
Dinosaurs inhabited our planet 9 million years earlier than scientists previously believed. The latest finds reveal that their ancestors were the size of cats and dogs....
The Mayans had psychic abilitiesThe Mayans had psychic abilities
What we do know is that Mayan astronomers were convinced that they live in the fifth solar era and before the creation of modern man there had been four previous races and four previous eras destroyed in major cataclysms...