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Mysticism and Mysteries

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2 Stars Provide New Information about Our Galaxy2 Stars Provide New Information about Our Galaxy
19 July
Two newly discovered stars, spotted in one of the farthest corners of the Milky Way, provide new information about the edges of the galaxy containing our own solar system.
Ufologists: An Extraterrestrial Base is Flying Toward EarthUfologists: An Extraterrestrial Base is Flying Toward Earth
19 July
A team of ufologists claims that an extraterrestrial base is flying toward our planet. The ufologists showed photos of an approaching asteroid, on which the shadow of a black pyramid is visible.
Unexplainable Human ActionsUnexplainable Human Actions
19 July
Interpreting certain actions is among the most complex problems in modern science. It is curious how some reactions, perfectly natural to all of us, are actually a scientific mystery.
Soon We Will Learn Languages with a Magic PillSoon We Will Learn Languages with a Magic Pill
19 July
According to the influential futurist Nicholas Negroponte, in 30 years at the latest, people will be learning foreign languages in a much easier and simpler way - just by taking a special pill, informs the newspaper Daily Mirror.
Divination with a BookDivination with a Book
18 July
Divination using a book is seen as one of the simplest but also one of the most accurate and correct methods of predicting the future. This way of prediction can hardly be called ancient since it has existed only since books first appeared.
Frogs Jump According to Their EnvironmentFrogs Jump According to Their Environment
18 July
The results of an Australian study showed that a frog's style of jump depends on its environment. Observations have determined that tree frogs reach great heights when jumping but cannot jump very far.
Fish Have Surprisingly Long MemoryFish Have Surprisingly Long Memory
17 July
Through the experiment, the researchers managed to prove that the memory of fish is not as short as was presumed and that the creatures have much greater mental capabilities.
Russian Experts: It's Dangerous to Send People to MarsRussian Experts: It's Dangerous to Send People to Mars
14 July
NASA's mission of sending people to Mars is very dangerous because they do not have enough data about the cosmic radiation, announced members of a Scientific Research Institute.
Old Woman's Body Found 6 Years After her DeathOld Woman's Body Found 6 Years After her Death
13 July
The body of an elderly woman, who had died in her apartment, was accidentally found after 6 whole years. Lately, the instances of people whose bodies are found much later after their death have become ever more common.
Science Explained Why Doubles Don't ExistScience Explained Why Doubles Don't Exist
13 July
Modern science has confirmed the existence of people whose facial features are very much alike, but according to the scientists, there is no way for fully identical doubles to exist.
Chimpanzees Communicate with 19 GesturesChimpanzees Communicate with 19 Gestures
12 July
Chimpanzees communicate with each other using 19 combined gestures. This surprising conclusion was reached by scientists from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who managed to interpret the gestures of the animals.
North Spring Doesn't Freeze Even at -58 F°North Spring Doesn't Freeze Even at -58 F°
12 July
Canadian geologists have come upon a spring located on the northern Ellesmere Island that does not freeze over even at temperatures of -58 F°, which fall during the night.
Divination with a MirrorDivination with a Mirror
12 July
Divination with a mirror is considered to be one of the oldest and most dangerous. Divining with a mirror is done at midnight and in complete solitude. It is possible to see horrendous things in the mirror which may cause a severe psychological breakdown.