The results of an Australian study showed that a frog's style of jump depends on its environment. The study was carried out by the Australian National University.
The scientists have recorded the behavior of 230 frogs from 30 different species; using high-speed cameras, they have filmed the amphibians' jumps in nature.
Observations have determined that tree frogs reach great heights when jumping but cannot jump very far. Aquatic frogs, in turn, can cover longer distances but remain close to the surface.
Burrowing frogs achieve modest results, both in height and distance jumps.

Additionally, different types of frogs have demonstrated different styles while jumping.
The amphibians were filmed using 2 high-speed cameras out in the field, in order to get a 3-D image of their jumps. The recordings were then analyzed frame by frame using computer software that determined fluctuations in height, distance and speed.
Last month, a study of the amphibians also managed to demonstrate the power of their tongue, with which they catch prey. Thanks to their tongue, some frogs manage to catch prey that is 3 times their weight.
According to scientists, the secret to a frog's tongue is its speed and sticky surface.

In an experiment done by experts from the University of Kiel, Germany, they placed a South African horned frog underneath a glass and tempted it with an appetizing cricket.
When it attempted to catch the cricket, the frog's tongue hit the glass and allowed the scientists to measure its power. It was established that the power of the tongue was due to its speed.
Because of its sticky surface, the South African horned frog can eat an entire mouse.
A curious thing about frogs is that they cannot swallow their prey while their eyes are open.
A poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 2200 people.