Nature and basic principles of astrology. Find out what the arrangement of stars and numbers tells you, the day of birth, the location of planets and celestial bodies.
The season comes bearing a wonderful surprise for each of the signs. If you'd like to find out what joyous event you're going to face in the coming weeks, read on below.
The horoscope begins with Aries and as the 1st zodiac sign they are born to mark the beginning of things. Not all representatives of the sign share the same characteristics though. They are divided into 3 types, which you can see below.
Mercury is going to be retrograde in Aries from March 23 to April 15. Since Mercury is the planet of communication, technology and travel, while it is in retrograde motion there may be delays and misunderstandings in these fields.
From March 9 to July 11, the most massive planet in the solar system - Jupiter - is going to be retrograde in Scorpio. During this four-month period it's important that we're more careful about certain things.
Pisces are the most contradictory zodiac sign of the horoscope since they express quite conflicting traits. They can be annoyingly childish - and then exceptionally wise in the next instant.
From the very beginning of the month you're going to feel as if luck is on your side. Things at work are going to head in the right direction and you'll see improvement in your personal life as well.
In astrology, Saturn is considered a karmic planet - the one responsible for paying us back for deeds we've done. The day it rules over is Saturday, which is also the suitable time to focus on certain issues.
From February 18 to March 18, Mars in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces form a tense configuration that could lead to heated arguments and outbursts of anger.
According to the Chinese calendar, February 15 marks the beginning of the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog, while the longtime traditions surrounding this festivity are quite fascinating.
The year 2018 is going to be a special, exciting and unforgettable one for all of us. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog is going to present us many obstacles but also reward our dedication, loyalty and goodness.
From January 26 to March 17, Mars, which in astrology accounts for actions, drive, aggression, competition, conflicts and decision making, will be moving through the most optimistic sign - Sagittarius.