

Numerology is a pseudoscience for numbers. According to numerology , each of us has a different vibration that can be learned by name, time, day, month and year in which he was born. Numbers are an ancient method of recognizing this human vibration and destiny. The method has been used in Babylon and ancient China to interpret human fate and personality through numbers.
Numerology: Personal Number 4Numerology: Personal Number 4
19 July
People with an even personal number, such as 4, are loving and artistic. They find ways to express their creative nature in any given situation.
Numerology: Personal Number 3Numerology: Personal Number 3
18 July
People with a personal number of 3 are talented, with a sharp mind and a highly-developed intuition. 3 bestows people with ingenuity and an extraordinary flexibility - both in a physical and intellectual sense.
Numerology: Personal Number 2Numerology: Personal Number 2
17 July
If your personal number is 2, you are a levelheaded, tactical and calm person. You're always ready to stand up for those close to you. There is no better aid than you when it comes to defending the interests of your family and friends.
Numerology: Personal Number 1Numerology: Personal Number 1
10 July
The number 1 provides people with an unusual energy. They realize bold ideas, build new paths and help other people achieve their goals. Your courage is your strongest characteristic.
Angel NumerologyAngel Numerology
05 Jan.
Guardian angels often send messages to people by showing them specific sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways.