
Using the positive emotions that flowers unlock, depression and even some other diseases can be beaten....

It is customary to gift a flower to a young girl, during the initial courtship. Three flowers are donated in a serious relationship, when a man is not yet convinced that he will receive reciprocity....

It is good if the house always has fresh flowers. According to the ancient Chinese art, flowers are the direct bearers of vital energy "chi"....

Flowers are a symbol of shared feelings, childhood innocence, freedom and beauty.
Giving flowers can send a powerful message....

According to astrologers, the Zodiac and flowers are in direct contact. According to them, each sign has its patron flower. Whether in a pot, or cut, does not matter....

Sleep with flowers in your bedroom, if you want sweet dreams, scientists recommend, cited by Air Force....

If you are for some reason unable to cultivate plants, then try to more frequently place a vase with freshly-picked flowers in the middle of your home....

In Italy, edelweiss is called a "silver rock flower".
The Latin name of edelweiss Leontopodium means "lion's paw". Edelweiss is also the name for the flower of Prometheus....

Carry a small bag of geranium or pelargonium flowers to attract the attention of your loved ones. White flowered geraniums improve fertility, while red provide reliable protection from evil forces....

NASA announced their intentions to plant flowers on Mars in 6 years....

It is said that the flower of light can completely change human life and expand our consciousness to many new heights.
1. The lotus is a flower that personifies female gentleness....

Their zodiac flowers are evergreen alocasia, kalanchoe and campanula (little bell).
Ferns for Gemini
Geminis love showy flowers. Their zodiac flowers are lacy ferns, asparagus and tillandsia....

When these elegant flowers find presence in their home, those born under Libra seem to live to the fullest....

Simply look at the 4 flowers in the image and pick the 1 that the butterfly will go to first.
Then read on below to find out what message lies behind each type of flower....

Simply pick 1 of the 8 flower bouquets. See what each symbolizes and find out what your summer will be like.
1. Tulips
You've got a relationship coming up that's suitable for a soap opera plot....

When the water from the lake passes through cracks in the glacier, the salt water flows downward....