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Dwarfs lived on an Island in the PacificDwarfs lived on an Island in the Pacific
14 Sept.
It is said that the dwarf Inhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean about 2800 years ago. Scientists discovered caves on one of the islands of the Republic of Palau located in the western Pacific Ocean....
The Devil is on the Prowl for your Soul at Night Through the MirrorThe Devil is on the Prowl for your Soul at Night Through the Mirror
11 Apr.
The time period between midnight and 3 AM is called the "devil's time" in a number of cultures. It is when all evil forces stir....
Climatic Catastrophe: the Dead Sea is Drying UpClimatic Catastrophe: the Dead Sea is Drying Up
21 June
The Dead Sea is evaporating. The progressively rising temperatures in the Middle East are leading to a drop in water level by up to 3.3 ft (1 m) every year. The Dead Sea is one of the most popular lakes for beach-goers...
Why is the Pacific Ocean Called So?Why is the Pacific Ocean Called So?
26 Jan.
But the 1st real explorer of the Pacific Ocean was Ferdinand Magellan himself....
The Milky Way is Located in the Immeasurable HeavenThe Milky Way is Located in the Immeasurable Heaven
08 Sept.
The Milky Way galaxy is found in the Laniakea supercluster, which translated from Hawaiian means "immeasurable heaven". The galaxy supercluster was unknown to scientists until now. Astronomers tell Nature journal that...
The Next End of the World is in OctoberThe Next End of the World is in October
18 Jan.
October - this is the month when the end of the world is supposed to happen. At least according to a new conspiracy theory. The cause this time will be a collision with another planet. The ominous and mysterious...
160 animals killed because the Bible of the Devil160 animals killed because the Bible of the Devil
05 Oct.
The Codex Gigas in comparison is the Bible of the Devil precisely because of the huge 50cm portrait of the devil on page 290....
Vanished Ancient Greek Island Rediscovered in the Aegean SeaVanished Ancient Greek Island Rediscovered in the Aegean Sea
26 Nov.
Archaeologists believe they've found the lost Ancient Greek city of Kane at the bottom of the Aegean Sea. In the past, Kane was of strategic importance in the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. The international...
The Ancient Dead Sea ScrollsThe Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls
27 Feb.
The find of a cave containing jars filled with manuscripts caused sensation throughout the world. It was spring 1947 when a group of Bedouin goat herders were searching the coast of the Dead Sea searching for a goat. Even...
The Smallest Bible in the World is 0.04 Square mmThe Smallest Bible in the World is 0.04 Square mm
07 May
The tiniest Bible in the world was presented during a special ceremony in Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. The book is just 0.04 square mm but contains an entire 1 200 000 symbols. The size of the Bible is approximately...
Today is Groundhog Day in the USToday is Groundhog Day in the US
02 Feb.
February 2 marks the traditional US holiday known as Groundhog Day. According to an old American tradition, on this day we look to the humble groundhog as it exits its burrow to see when winter will end this year. If...
Nostradamus: the Savior is Coming in 2016!Nostradamus: the Savior is Coming in 2016!
30 Mar.
Nostradamus remains one of the most popular prophets and astrologers to have ever lived. His prophecies for 2016 are exceptionally terrifying, while also bringing a dose of hope at the same time. Nostradamus's prophecies...
Where in the World is Hell Cold?Where in the World is Hell Cold?
08 Oct.
In modern psychology there's a term called the map of reality. Experts use it to describe the uniqueness of the perceptions and understandings of the different people in different locations on Earth. Freud said that each...
The Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record RatesThe Water in the World's Oceans is Acidifying at Record Rates
21 Nov.
The record paces, at which the world's oceans are acidifying, are only one of three factors that are a danger to it. It goes hand-in-hand with global warming and the decreasing levels of oxygen. It has been recorded that...
Entrance to the underworld of the Maya is found in MexicoEntrance to the underworld of the Maya is found in Mexico
16 Dec.
A labyrinth filled with stone churches and pyramids has been located in 14 caves, and some of which were found in Mexico, in the Yucatan Peninsula by archaeologists, reported the National Geographic. The discovery led...
The Truth About the End of the World is Encoded in the Papal Basilica of St. PaulThe Truth About the End of the World is Encoded in the Papal Basilica of St. Paul
15 May
The Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls has stood in the Eternal City for nearly 2 millennia. This holy site has a connection to one of the greatest secrets of the Catholic church. Woven into the details of its interior...
The World's Most Dangerous Road is in BoliviaThe World's Most Dangerous Road is in Bolivia
16 Jan.
The old road in the province of Yungas, Bolivia is labeled as the most dangerous road in the world. It is about 44 miles (70 km) long and connects Coroico with La Paz. They call it the death road because every year...
The Oldest Cities in the WorldThe Oldest Cities in the World
30 Aug.
One of the first signs of developing human civilization was the emergence of the first cities, which groups of people could settle permanently. The names of some of these ancient populated areas can be found even in the...
The Strangest Religions in the WorldThe Strangest Religions in the World
20 May
The organization was accused of being racist on more than one occasion, since its members believed that blacks were real Jews, while whites were white devils....
The underwater pyramids in the BahamasThe underwater pyramids in the Bahamas
23 July
At the very bottom of the seas and oceans, underwater pyramids have been found. These pyramids are located in different corners of the planet are made of the same material - from very thick glass, or a material similar to...
The Upcoming 2017 is the Year of the Fire RoosterThe Upcoming 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster
12 Dec.
According to the Chinese calendar, the upcoming 2017 falls under the patronage of the Fire Rooster. This will bring warmth and comfort in the family but we're also going to have to rethink some of our life's decisions....
The Largest Telescope in the World is Being Built on a Hawaiian VolcanoThe Largest Telescope in the World is Being Built on a Hawaiian Volcano
26 Nov.
At the top of the dormant volcano Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean, construction has begun on the largest telescope in the world - the Thirty Meter Telescope....
The Image of the Executioner in the Middle AgesThe Image of the Executioner in the Middle Ages
13 Aug.
Among the most mysterious figures during the Middle Ages was that of the executioner. He was the last person that those sentenced to death would see before heading out for the afterlife. The image of the executioner...
People are Most Honest in the Morning, Lie the Most in the AfternoonPeople are Most Honest in the Morning, Lie the Most in the Afternoon
19 Mar.
An American study reveals that people lie mainly during the afternoon hours. The study was carried out by a team of scientists from the University of Utah and Harvard University. The tests were carried out with the...
The Most Controversial Executions in the USThe Most Controversial Executions in the US
25 Mar.
The debate "for" and "against" the use of the death penalty dates back to when it was first applied. Both sides have their arguments and reasons and they often clash with each other in heated arguments. Even though...