»Dream Dictionary»Dream Meanig People Swimming in the sea
SeaDreaming that you see someone in the sea , means that you trust an adventurer.......
SwimmingIf you swim in the pool, you have people and enemies around you whom you envy.......
SwimingTo dream of swiming in a river, means to have financial or business progress.......
Walk in the woodsTo dream of walking in the forest, means you should not hesitate in making an important decision.......
Flying in the skyFlying in the sky in your dream means you will be exalted in the office, you will achieve your desires and g...
Swinging Swinging in a cradle in your dreams means that you will struggle to achieve success.......
Swimming, swimTo dream you swim in the sea , means you will dedicate life's pleasures.......
Swimming poolTo dream of a swimming pool, means you will learn bad words that are spoken behind your back.......
Synchronized swimmingTo dream of synchronized swimming , means that your intentions may go wrong as you expect change that you have not a...
Flying high in the airFlying in a dream means you will be exalted in the office, you will achieve your goals and desires and will adva...
Transporting peopleTo dream of transporting people , suggests that you do not have to bear additional responsibilities and obligations as....
Old peopleIf you dream that you are old, then they will respect and honor you and you will have good health.......
Sick peopleSeeing someone else ill in a dream, you will achieve an old desire.......
Dead peopleTo dream that a dead person was resurrected, means you will achieve good results in your work.......
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