»Choosen Collections»Archaeological Finds in the Gobi Desert

The find includes the coat of arms of King James I, therefore, he is likely the man who devised it, an it may have somehow been connected with the...

Since the natives of Micronesia also have no written history, scientists have been forced to guess about the past based on archaeological finds and...

The lake simply appeared between the dunes and sizzling sands of a desert in Tunisia....

A similar phenomenon can be observed in numerous other deserts, each of them with their own acoustics, tonality and sound....

A NASA satellite has photographed ancient drawings in the Kazakhstan desert....

And yes, you will find love in the Year of the Pig!...

It is best to put your trust in it when you find yourself in a complex dilemma.

Archaeologists in Beirut have discovered finds dating back to the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Ages....

One of these religions is Scientology - a cult formed in the 50s of the last century....

But then Ray Brown could not find the underwater pyramid, as many times as he tried to return to the same place....

The week will also be under the influence of the opposition between Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries....

Don't be mislead by the complaints of others, instead decide for yourself whether they deserve for you to be devoting a great portion of your personal...

In November, authorities in the capital, Petrograd were conquered by the first communist government in the world....

The story of the Pyramids in Bosnia began in 2005, when they were first discovered....
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