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The Brain Ages Due to Lack of SleepThe Brain Ages Due to Lack of Sleep
10 July
It turned out that the brain activity of volunteers who slept less decreased, which was a clear indicator of its aging. According to scientists, a healthy amount of sleep is between a period of 6 to 8 hours....
The Memories Our Brain Gets Rid of During SleepThe Memories Our Brain Gets Rid of During Sleep
30 Mar.
"By analyzing the neural networks of the brain, the researchers have found that memories of secondary significance to us are wiped away during sleep, " writes Medical Xpress....
The human brain shrinksThe human brain shrinks
23 Feb.
Therefore, using a lot less brain power than previously when humanity had to hunt to survive....
How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?How one sleeps, and what the phases of sleep are?
20 Feb.
This new found study clearly demonstrates that sleep is no less complex and is a multifaceted process than waking, but has a characteristic structure. During sleep, the human brain works, but quite differently....
Still not really clear why we sleepStill not really clear why we sleep
22 Jan.
Means then the brain is very active and according to scientists this stage helps the brain to sort memories....
Mysteries of the human brainMysteries of the human brain
17 June
Otherwise there is no explanation for cases in which workers lose part of their brain and instead of lying in deep sleep, get up and go alone to the doctor's office....
The Brain Restarts Itself by BlinkingThe Brain Restarts Itself by Blinking
24 June
Scientists are still not clear about why the brain uses blinking to redirect its attention from one object to another....
Proven: Reading Books Alters the BrainProven: Reading Books Alters the Brain
14 Jan.
Throughout the entire time, their brain activity was carefully monitored using special instruments....
The Harm of Sleep DeprivationThe Harm of Sleep Deprivation
17 Jan.
intellect can weaken, as well as body and brain reactions....
Sleep Cleanses the Body of ToxinsSleep Cleanses the Body of Toxins
04 Feb.
Getting a good night's sleep every night is crucial in allowing our body to cleanse itself of as many of the toxins it has accumulated throughout the day as possible....
Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!Want to Predict the Future? Your Brain Can!
07 July
According to the researchers, this proves that the human brain is not only able to foresee the future, it also works in tandem with its past experience....
Clean up Your House to Clear Bad EnergiesClean up Your House to Clear Bad Energies
30 Apr.
One of the rules for the proper distribution of energy in the home is to keep it clean. It is necessary for the free flow of positive energies. As a kick start, begin with a thorough cleaning of your home....
An Aquarium in the Bedroom Disrupts SleepAn Aquarium in the Bedroom Disrupts Sleep
17 Apr.
This disrupts the energy of your sleep and you may suffer from insomnia....
Scientists Discover the Secret to Deep SleepScientists Discover the Secret to Deep Sleep
02 Aug.
During sleep, the brain waves of the sleepers were recorded with an electroencephalogram....
Scientists Discover the Real Reason Why Humans SleepScientists Discover the Real Reason Why Humans Sleep
31 Mar.
Sleep helps us clear up our ideas and thoughts. Until now, we believed that the brain rested while we slept, along with the rest of the body. It turns out that that's not the case....
The Strange Things our Bodies do During SleepThe Strange Things our Bodies do During Sleep
09 Sept.
The body begins to produce more proteins during sleep, which are needed for growth and damage repair. Therefore, the term "beauty sleep" is actually quite accurate....
Does poor sleep have influence on the psyche?Does poor sleep have influence on the psyche?
19 Feb.
Mental disorders such as depression and Parkinson\'s disease for example, adversely affect the development of sleep. Use of medicinal ingredients, drugs and alcohol in large quantities also disturb sleep....
The 4 Stress Responses That Occur in the Brain When We Wake SuddenlyThe 4 Stress Responses That Occur in the Brain When We Wake Suddenly
10 July
When one experiences lack of sufficient sleep, not only do we feel more exhausted, we are severely hurting out brain....
Our Brain Likes FriendsOur Brain Likes Friends
10 Apr.
It is not clear whether this psychological dependency was inherited from our ancestors or came at a later period in time....
The Best Sleep is Between Tuesday Night and WednesdayThe Best Sleep is Between Tuesday Night and Wednesday
05 July
The clearest sign that you've had a good night's sleep is the way you wake up - you have to feel fresh and alert, not irritable and needing more rest....
A Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain SuperpowersA Dose of LSD a Day Gives the Human Brain Superpowers
19 May
The study makes it clear that one of the most powerful hallucinogenic substances created by man does not affect visual perception alone. It influences all areas of the brain, unifying their work....
Sleep Improves VocabularySleep Improves Vocabulary
26 June
Sleep helps the brain remember the new words using the same process by which the brain "saves" the words learned during the day. Sleep helps transfer the new words from short-term memory to long-term memory....
Hypnosis During SleepHypnosis During Sleep
11 Mar.
The states of sleep and hypnosis are different states of the brain, they serve different purposes. In other words, hypnosis requires your active participation. Can we learn new material during sleep?...
Secrets of sleepSecrets of sleep
28 Jan.
Some of us are trying to catch up with sleep at the weekend....
Sleep Disorders: narcolepsySleep Disorders: narcolepsy
27 Jan.
• Compliance with sleep mode, sleep and getting to sleep is always at the same time, including during the weekends....